Francesca Piccinini present at the delivery of the municipal gym “Villa de Capoa” – Sport Marketing News

In conjunction with the 38th edition of the Aequilibrium Cup – Trofeo delle Regioni, the tournament dedicated to young volleyball players which is taking place these days in Campobasso, starting from 9.30 on 28 June, the the official ceremony of delivery to citizenship of the municipal gymnasium Villa de Capoa, in Campobasso, redeveloped thanks to the contribution of AeQuilibrium di AIAin collaboration with FIPAV – Italian Volleyball Federation, the Molise Regional Committee and local authorities.

He will participate in the event Frances Piccininiface of world volleyball and ambassador of Aequilibrium, together with the representatives of the national FIPAV and the regional committee.

2023-06-27 10:23:21
#Francesca #Piccinini #present #delivery #municipal #gym #Villa #Capoa #Sport #Marketing #News


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