From Collapse to NBA Dream: Keyontae Johnson’s Inspiring Journey

He fell on the field: 3 years after heart collapse Keyontae Johnson fulfills his NBA dream

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Keyontae Johnson becomes an NBA player on Thursday night. But two and a half years earlier, the college star was fighting for his life. Johnson collapses during a game and is placed in an induced coma. But Johnson is working his way back.

In December 2020, Keyontae Johnson, then a Florida Gators jersey, suddenly slowed his stride in the game against Florida State. A short time later, the then 20-year-old crashed his face onto the parquet floor. Teammates and opponents are shocked.

Keyontae Johnson fought for his life in 2020

Johnson is immediately treated by an emergency doctor and taken out of the hall on a stretcher. The athlete is placed in an artificial coma. His coach, Mike White, tweeted: “Please continue to pray for Keyontae and his family. We all love him.”

Johnson wakes up after three days in a coma. The doctors diagnose a heart condition. A few days later, Johnson is better again. His university says he responds to “simple commands” and is in a “critical but stable condition.”

Just over a month later he is back with his team, albeit as an assistant coach. After getting the green light from doctors, the winger will make his comeback on the court in August 2022 – now in the Kansas State jersey. It’s his last season of college.

Keyontae Johnson fulfills his NBA dream

After his comeback, Johnson keeps talking about his NBA dream. A few years ago it was a sure-fire success. Not a matter of course after his medical incident. But the athletic winger is having a strong season for Kansas State and is getting back into the heads of the NBA scouts. He leads his varsity team into the top eight teams in the entire country.

Nevertheless, it is far from certain whether Johnson will be allowed to participate in the draft. At the end of May, a medical group from the NBA gave the 23-year-old the go. The happy ending follows in the night from Thursday to Friday. Keyontae Johnson is on target with his dreams being drafted 50th overall by the Oklahoma City Thunder making him an official NBA player.


2023-06-23 16:04:38
#years #heart #collapse #Keyontae #Johnson #fulfills #NBA #dream


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