Gérard Bruyer Steps Down as President of Badminton Club 74 After 16 Years of Dedicated Service

The president of Badminton club 74, Gérard Bruyer, wishes to hand over after 16 years of intense involvement within the association. An announcement he made during the review of the season.

16 years at the head of the club

Gérard Bruyer is very satisfied with the good vitality of the club which brings together 139 members, including 57 young people. The financial health of the club makes it possible to perpetuate actions and to engage in training.

On the sporting side, the results obtained in private tournaments, in D2 and D4 interclubs and during the organization of the three tournaments in Faverges, are very positive.

The life of the club generates a beautiful warm atmosphere. The 31 young people from the school have just been rewarded with colored brooches that confirm their level. Among them, Andy Toso received the red feather for his fine performances. He is thus qualified and classified by the Federation.

At the height of the season, René Gardet, member of Jeunesse et Sports, honored the president by presenting him with a medal for his 16 years spent managing, supporting and advancing the BCF74.

2023-06-24 15:26:28
#FavergesSeythenex #president #Badminton #club #medalist #Youth #Sports


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