Guidelines for Commenting on Nate News: Establishing a Healthy Internet Culture

Nate News Comments is a space where you can express your thoughts on articles, listen to other people’s thoughts, and share various opinions. In order to establish a healthy internet culture, the following comment operation principles are applied.

1. Delete comments

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2. Restriction of rights

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In addition, if the administrator or the system determines that comments, recommendations, and objections are occurring in an abnormal pattern, the IP or ID can be sanctioned by checking whether there are fraudulent clicks.

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Comments that violate the law, such as defamation, leakage of personal information, and abusive language, may result in civil and criminal penalties in accordance with the relevant laws, so please be careful when using them.

2023-06-24 23:07:06
#Yeosu #Korea #Open #Badminton #Championships #held.. #Preorder #26th #Nate #News


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