Here’s why no NHL team is among the most profitable in professional sports

No National Hockey League (NHL) roster is among the most profitable in professional sports right now, and it’s not just because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The specialized magazine “Forbes” revealed Friday the identity of the 25 teams having earned the most money over the past three years. Neither the NHL nor major league baseball appear in this list dominated by the Dallas Cowboys.

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Obviously, the absence of fans in the stands throughout the 2020-2021 regular season has affected the revenues of all teams. The Canadian formations had to deal with even greater constraints, which prevents the Montreal Canadiens and the Toronto Maple Leafs, two of the richest concessions of the Bettman circuit, from appearing in the list.

Another important aspect to consider is the power of broadcast deals. The product of the NFL, the NBA or even the major European soccer teams sells for gold. For example, the NFL earns $6 billion annually from its television deals, while the NHL deals earn $625 million.

Thus, the Cowboys have added $ 1.171 billion to their coffers over the past three years, before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, according to “Forbes”. That’s nearly double the second-ranked New England Patriots ($623 million).

It is not always enough to be a winning team to make this kind of profit, Dallas having not won the Super Bowl since 1995, but rather to have a good financial strategy. The Cowboys are the only organization worth more than $8 billion. At the third level, we find the English club Tottenham ($414 million), which has not finished in the top 3 of the Premier League since 2018, but which often plays in the Champions League.

The New York Knicks (NBA, $404 million) and Manchester United (EPL, $403 million) complete the top 5. Bayern Munich brings up the rear in 25th place with total profits of $235 million for three years.

2023-06-02 19:31:09
#Heres #NHL #team #among #profitable #professional #sports


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