Manchester United Tops the League Table with 650 Million Fans Worldwide

Manchester United leads the league table with 650 million fans worldwide. In second and third place we find the two Spanish, Barcelona (450 million) and Real Madrid (350 million). Chelsea, the first of the Premier League clubs, with 145 million fans, off the podium. In fifth place are Arsenal with 125 million, ahead of Manchester City which has 110 million fans. Another English, in seventh place here is Liverpool (100 million fans). Bayern Munich is tenth with 45 million, eleventh place ex aequo for PSG and Tottenham (35 million).

The Top 15 teams with the most fans in the world in detail:

1) Manchester United (650 million fans worldwide)

2) Barcelona (450 million fans worldwide)

3) Real Madrid (350 million fans worldwide)

4) Chelsea (145 million fans worldwide)

5) Arsenal (125 million fans worldwide)

6) Manchester City (110 million fans worldwide)

7) Liverpool (100 million fans in the world)

8) Milan (95 million fans in the world)

9) Inter (55 million fans worldwide)

10) Bayern Munich (45 million fans worldwide)

11) PSG (35 million fans worldwide)

11) Tottenham (35 million fans worldwide)

13) Juventus (27 million fans worldwide)

14) Borussia Dortmund (22 million fans worldwide)

14) Rome (22 million fans in the world)

June 25, 2023 (change June 25, 2023 | 09:38)


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