Martin or Bezzecchi, who will challenge Bagnaia for the 2023 World Cup?

Bezzecchi o Martinwho will be the real challenger of Bagnaia? The Spaniard in Germany, the Romagnolo in the Assen Sprint, they take turns trying to beat the king. And when they succeed (it had already happened previously) we certainly cannot speak of “injury”. The confrontation is open, trying to snatch the crown from him is a legitimate goal. And in any case, on closer inspection, iDucati’s “number one” seems to have the situation under control. Even when not everything goes perfectly, or when it simply goes better for the others, as happened on the German weekend and on Saturday in the Netherlands, Bagnaia keeps pace. A steady step, that over the distance is the true quality of a champion who aims to reconfirm himself. The fight at the top now looks like a Ducati internal derby. That’s where they come from real threats to the Piedmontese leadership. Bezzecchi and Martin are two talents that the Bologna-based company will try to keep close. Looking forward to recover Bastianiniwhose convalescence, physical and technical, will not end before the next grand prix in August. Meanwhile, Bez and Martinator are giving the reigning champion a hard time.

Bagnaia in control of the situation

“Marco was stronger today – acknowledged Pecco – he’s riding like hell. Here he’s stronger, like Martin was in Germany. I tried to bring myself back, but I couldn’t do much more”. He couldn’t win, but hitting the podium remains a great result, enough to confirm Bagnaia at the top of the standings. Let them slaughter themselves, Pecco could add, the crown remains firm on his head. The calendar is long, from time to time they will try to beat it, perhaps stealing points from each other. Finally, playing Bagnaia’s game. That day by day, more and more he sports an enviable calm and self-confidence. The awareness of who understood that the golden rule to go far is first of all to reach the finish line.

see also

Pecco: “Bezzecchi is scary, I can’t do more than that”

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Martin #Bezzecchi #challenge #Bagnaia #World #Cup


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