Messi, Guardiola, Piqué… the ten most famous controversies of Ibrahimovic

If there is a footballer who has been identified as being controversial in world football, it is Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The Swedish striker is as brilliant as he is controversial both by his actions and his words, always attentive to hitting the target. The star of the Swedish national team and who has gone through clubs like the AC Milan, PSG and FC Barcelona He has starred in various chapters to remember.

There are several situations in which his character has played a trick on him, but from Mundo Deportivo we have chosen a selection to refresh his memory.

1. “I am God.” Yes, Zlatan considers himself God. He has implied so on several occasions. In fact, in the 2013 knockout match between Sweden and Portugal, when asked who he thinks he would win, he responded like this: “Only God knows who will qualify and you’re talking to him!”

2. Ironic with Messi. Regarding the Ballon d’Ors that Messi has won, the Swede was ironic when asked about the talent of the Argentine star: “The Ballon d’Or should be named after Messi”, he even said with a clear tone of protest .

3. Response to the photo with Piqué: Gerard Piqué and Zlatan Ibrahimovic were the stars of a photograph that caused a lot of controversy as they appeared very close together, as if they were about to kiss. The Swede himself had to come to the fore when a journalist asked him if he was homosexual: “No, no, you come home with your sister now and I will prove that I am not gay.”

4. Pride in the World Cup. When Sweden was left out of the 2014 World Cup, he was also asked what his favorite teams were, to which he did not hesitate to answer that without him, there is no reason to expect anything from the World Cup.

8. Darts for Guardiola. Since they both met at Barça, they have not stopped giving each other hints. Zlatan even recounts in his autobiographical book his confrontations with Guardiola and went so far as to say that “the philosopher prefers players who obey without replying.” To which the City coach replied: “He is right, he is absolutely right. In this club, in this team, my ego is beyond that of any other person, of each player”.

9. Criticism of Argentina for the World Cup. Zlatan criticized the attitude and the way in which Argentina won the World Cup, especially the goalkeeper ‘Dibu’ Martínez: “Messi won everything and will be remembered, but the rest behaved badly and cannot be respected,” he said.

10. The kick to Materazzi. “I waited four years to send Materazzi to the hospital,” said Ibrahimovic, who made it clear that he does not forget easily. The Swede acknowledged that he waited four years to brutally kick Materazzi, who sent the central defender to the hospital, after the latter entered when the Swede was at Juventus.

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2023-06-05 13:28:47
#Messi #Guardiola #Piqué.. #ten #famous #controversies #Ibrahimovic


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