New NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement: Changes to Luxury Tax, Salary Floor, and Player Contracts

Marcelo Bousquet | ESPN Digital Jun 29, 2023, 7:32 PM ETRead: 5 min.

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With the objective of regulating the way in which the franchises must operate in the next seven seasons, the NBA and the Players Association distributed the new document of the Collective Bargaining Agreement that will be in force from July 1, 2023 until December 30. June 2030.

The document has a total of 676 pages detailing the new rules with which the teams must abide from now on.

The new agreement seeks both to put certain limits on those who in recent years have opened their wallets at their discretion when making up their workforce, and on those who choose to spend less, imposing the obligation to spend a certain percentage of the salary limit before starting the season.

The formation of integrated super-teams with three and up to four players who have maximum contracts will have consequences that go beyond the taxes they must pay. The loss of certain salary exceptions, sanctions in future drafts and the impossibility of participating in the buyout markets are some of the consequences that franchises that choose this path will be exposed to.

Among the most significant changes are the different levels of luxury tax. As in the previous agreement, a certain amount of money is fixed from which the teams that exceed it must pay the tax. However, two more levels of luxury tax are added with harsher consequences in each case.

Next, we detail some of the salient points to take into account of the new agreement.

Luxury tax and its levels

The NBA has set the salary cap at $136 million per team and the luxury tax at $165 million. However, with the new agreement it is established that there are three different levels for its payment.

It is established that there is an initial level that is the one that will be paid for the tax of the teams that exceed $165 million, another one from $172 million that we will call level 1 and a third (which we will call super-luxury tax) at starting at $182.5 million.

Tier 1 Luxury Tax ($172 million)

Teams that exceed $172 million to make up their payroll are exposed to the following consequences:

-They will not be able to sign players from the buyot market whose contract has been greater than the equivalent of the mid-level salary exception (12.4 million)

-They will have to match salaries in the exchanges they make up to 110% (until this season it was 125%). What they will be able to use is the mid-level salary exception for teams that pay the tax whose value is $5 million.

Super-luxury tax ($182 million)

For teams that exceed $182.4 million in salaries, they will not be able to use their mid-tier salary exception. You will also not be able to make changes in sign and change operations.

It also establishes that if on the last day of the regular season, a team exceeds $182.4 million in its payroll, starting in July 2024 they will not be able to trade their first-round draft pick for seven years. This is called a frozen selection.

If the team has exceeded $182.4 million in two of the next four years, its draft pick will automatically be moved to the bottom of the first round (30th pick) regardless of performance in the previous season.

New salary floor

Under the new agreement, teams must spend at least the equivalent of 90% of the established salary quota and will have to do so on the first day of the regular season, when previously that date was set for the same day as the transfer deadline when he had played the equivalent of 2/3 of the season. Nor will you be allowed to make any changes that decrease your salary bill beyond the established floor.

restricted free agency

In the previous deal, restricted free agents could sign an offer with a given team, and their previous team had three days to match or not match it. Now that window is reduced to this: If the team with a restricted free agent receives the offer before noon, they have 36 hours to decide whether or not to match it. If, on the other hand, you receive it after noon, you will have a two-day deadline.

Contract renegotiation

Those teams that renegotiate the contract with a player will not be able to change it until after six months with which they negotiated the contract. And, for his part, a player will not be able to renegotiate his contract during the first six months of being on the team if he has been traded.

Number of players on the roster

In the previous agreement, the teams could decide between having a squad with 14 or 15 players. From now on, all teams will have to have 15 players. Teams will only be allowed to have 14 players for 28 days in the entire season and never more than 14 consecutive days.

two way contracts

With the new rules, teams will be able to have three two-way contracts instead of two.

2023-06-29 23:32:00
#super #teams #NBA #keys #Collective #Bargaining #Agreement #league #players


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