Novak Djokovic defends nationalist scrawl over Kosovo and Serbia

“There doesn’t seem to be a Grand Slam without drama for me”: Novak Djokovic
Image: EPA

He drives others to the barricades, it drives him: Novak Djokovic loves the drama as an extra kick. This time he ignores Kosovo’s independence – and builds on fool’s freedom as a tennis star.

WWhen Novak Djokovic plays in a Grand Slam tournament, there are usually two stories. One is about sports, is quickly told and goes like this: He came, saw and won. After winning his first two matches without losing a set, the Serb is preparing to continue this story at this year’s French Open. The other story is more complex and has little to do with Djokovic’s sporting superiority but with his thinking, feeling, acting on and off the tennis court. His behavior always causes irritation.

For example, his refusal to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, which led to expulsion from Australia and denied entry to the United States in early 2022. Or his father Srdjan’s appearance in Melbourne this January, where he had his picture taken with Russian fans who turned out to be in favor of a war of aggression against Ukraine.


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