Olympism Day Brings Together Students for a Day of Sports and Olympic Values

Two hundred and thirty-one students met last Friday at the Caqueret sports complex, as part of Olympism Day.

The event, organized by the Sports Union for Primary Education (Usep) and the Departmental Olympic and Sports Committee (CDOS), brought together CP, CE1 and CE2 from the schools of Fleury/Luthenay, Saint-Léger-des-Vignes , Decize, Magny-Cours, Charrin, Dornes and Saint-Benin-d’Azy.

The two hundred and thirty-one schoolchildren were introduced to the main disciplines. Archery, rugby, handball, cycling, basketball, football, table tennis, gymnastics and athletics offered a broad overview, to which were added Olympic culture workshops and an introduction to Paralympic disciplines (bocci) .

“The purpose of this day is to introduce sports disciplines, but above all to mobilize children around the Olympic values, those of effort, surpassing oneself, perseverance, discipline”, specifies Olivier Pierre, President of Usep and vice-president of the Olympic Committee, who also observes: “The teaching of sport in primary school is complicated. This discipline is often supplanted by other subjects. But we realize that the current generation of young children suffers from a sedentary lifestyle, which is harmful to their health”.

The departmental managers of the various sports, a dozen teachers and many parents and volunteers, Élie Odouard, Usep departmental delegate, and Sophie Canivet, director of the CDOS, gave their best to make this day a memorial for children.

2023-06-27 04:00:00
#Transmission #Olympic #values #Decize


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