Posch came 12th in Brixen despite a finger injury

Jan-Luca Posch came in twelfth place at the Bouldering World Cup in Brixen. However, the 25-year-old Tyrolean suffered a finger injury during training and will now undergo an MRI scan. The diagnosis will decide whether participation in the home World Cup in Innsbruck is possible.

On Saturday, Johanna Färber from Graz decided to enter her third final in the Boulder World Cup with sixth place. Victory went to Natalia Grossman (USA). The Iranian Elnaz Rekabi caused a stir, entering the World Cup stage for the first time after her headscarf action.

Rekabi competed at the Asian Championships in Seoul in October without the headscarf that is obligatory for Iranian athletes and then temporarily disappeared.

With her performance, she became the figurehead of the protests against the Islamic system and the compulsory headscarf in Iran overnight. In Brixen, where she (like Jessica Pilz) missed the semifinals, she wore a headscarf again.


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