Querétaro Athletes Set Record Participation in Central American and Caribbean Games

The Central American and Caribbean Games “San Salvador 2023” to be held from Friday, June 23 to July 8 in El Salvador, will be the international fair with the largest number of athletes representing the state of Querétaro with 16 participants in nine disciplines; this figure represents a record in the number of athletes within the Olympic process.

The discipline with the largest number of participants is fights associated with Samuel Gurría, Luis López, Morelia Landaverde, Karla Acosta and Susana Lozano; He is followed by Judo with Gilberto Cardoso and Diego Díaz; athletics with Erick Portillo in high jump and Tonatiu López in 800 meters and Taekwondo with Brandon Plaza and Paloma García.

Regarding team sports, Querétaro will be present in two disciplines: Mauricio de la Torre was summoned by the Mexican Rugby team and Benito Hernández is part of the national Handball team. Daniel Urquiza will participate in shooting, Javier Rojas will compete in archery and Ascanio Fernández will be present in swimming.

Added to this group of athletes is the work of Ascanio Fernández Pinto who will attend as coach of the Mexican swimming team; In the equestrian disciplines, Mónica Gómez and Amelia Gómez will be part of the team of judges and commissioners and Enrique Gómez Su, is the official veterinarian and blacksmith of the Central American Games.

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2023-06-23 15:43:58
#athletes #Querétaro #compete #San #Salvador #Central #American #Games


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