Samertolameu B, mentalized to suffer and to grow

The bottom of the Galician League A, recently promoted, is trained by the legendary Meira rower Jacobo Gayo, who will be a skipper in ACT

23 jun 2023 . Updated at 8:03 p.m.

After two disputed tests of the Liga Galician A of traineras, Samertolame B march colist with the same three points as Puebla. Nothing out of the ordinary for the team he leads Jacob Gayoaware that it was going to cost him at this start and that, as recently promotedhas room for improvement for what is coming. We knew we were going to be among the last, we were psyched up For that. the team is very young and we know what there is, assumes the technician.

This reality means that the objective is perfectly defined in your case. We set ourselves a small goal, in quotes, which is to try not descend. From there, whatever arises, he adds. He is convinced that they will go less to more, just as it had been happening in the previous two seasons —which are the ones this trawler has been running—, until culminating in promotion to the highest regional category. The kids are super happy to be in League A. Of the 22, 18 are From homewith many young people, he insists.

Rowing at home this weekend is another plus, even if the time to host comes at a very early stage in the league. This week they are especially motivated. Any rower who competes at home no longer needs any extra motivation, rather he has it to spare, he analyzes.

Gayo considers that it is early to talk about who will be his rivals to avoid relegation but, at the same time, think that these first two dates can give an idea of ​​where the shots will go. It is difficult to know, we have to wait until this weekend, but I think we have begun to see that we will be among those in the first round: Puebla, we… I don’t know the case of ceasing. We all have room for improvement, go deep.

For the coach of Meira’s subsidiary, the strong point of the squad he directs is in the head. These kids are awesome. don’t give upThey are very hard, analyze. On the contrary, no one escapes that the youth can you penalizealthough they also have a few veterans to counter. They are from my farm and among all of us we try to guide the boys, he adds.

ACT pattern

Gayo had not competed for five years, but this summer he will act as pattern of the team of ACT of Samertolameu. He assures that he felt comfortable as a coach and that it was not easy to convince him, but at the same time, he could not refuse either, given the commitment that he has with the club in which he has been since he was eleven years old —he is 48—. The other patron is a child, a juvenile, and they couldn’t find anyone, he explains. On weekends, it will be the other veterans of the team who direct Meira B.

Tirn, Ares and Chapela compete for the solo lead in the Meira event

The Galician League of Traieras 2023 has started The Bridges Two weeks ago, she had a second date in Narn And this Saturday (6:00 p.m.) it arrives at the port of Meira, in Moaa, which will host the III Banner Illa of Samertolameo. A solo leader will come out of this regatta, since it so happens that three teams have 21 points.

Tirnin the first place of the general classification, and Ares, which is second, exchanged positions in the first two rounds: a first and a fourth for each boat. Already chapelFor its part, the third position obtained at the premiere of this season and the second one a week ago are worth the same loot. Next are Bueuwith 18, and Castropolcon 17.

Things are no less tight from below, with Puebla and Samertolameu adding three points in their respective boxes —a last and a penultimate place for each one—, Dismissed with 6 after two tenths and Mecca with 8, fruit of two ninths.

Refering to B League Yet the Women’s Leaguewhich also started on June 10, neither of them will resume for another two weeks, in Chapela.

Filed Under: Rowing

2023-06-23 18:03:00
#Samertolameu #mentalized #suffer #grow


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