SpazioConad and the entrepreneur Micco among the winners

A colorful river of children flooded the municipal park of Benevento to celebrate the Environment Festivalorganized by Asia in collaboration with the municipal administration of the capital. The small pupils of some city institutes – recognizable by the caps of different shades worn – took part with great enthusiasm in the World Day dedicated to the protection of the natural ecosystem.

The city park hosted a path dedicated in particular to the schools that participated in environmental education projects during the year. Around a thousand children taking part in the event were involved in various recreational and educational activities: from the digital gaming school, the augmented virtual reality game that teaches differentiation, to archery and giant chess. ”A great event – ​​commented Mayor Mastella – useful for spreading a culture of recycling and environmental protection among young people, future responsible for our planet”. For the mayor, then, the moment was also useful to send a warning to the new generations, drawing attention to the recent news events involving some young people in the historic center and in the Rione Libertà.

During the event, awards were given to the most beautiful flower beds in the city, entrusted and cared for by some companies and companies of the Samnite entrepreneurial fabric. To receive the honor too SpazioConad of the Buonvento shopping centre, with the Samnite entrepreneur Louis Miccowhich has long been working in synergy with the institutions with great attention to decorum and public green areas.

These are the other winners for the“Most beautiful flowerbed”: IGEA Pharmacy – Luigi Gesualdo; Rosiello pasta factory – Domenico Rosiello; Lombardi revisions – Luca Lombardi; Rotary club – President Rossella Del Prete.

The interviews in the video service

2023-06-05 11:57:15 #SpazioConad #entrepreneur #Micco #among #winners


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