Taiwanese Youth Partners with Mainland China to Promote Baseball and Culture

China News Agency, Beijing, June 27th, title: Taiwan and Youth partnered to run a club to promote baseball and culture

Author Chen Jianxin

“(The development of mainland baseball) is getting better and better. Every year, more and more children play baseball, and there are more and more teams.” Talking about mainland baseball, Taiwanese youth Song Qixuan was interviewed by a reporter from China News Agency in Beijing Say so.

Song Qixuan, 23 years old, is from Taipei. He has been interested in baseball since he was a child, and he has joined the school team since junior high school and formally learned to play baseball. In 2018, as a baseball special student, he came to Beijing to study at North China University of Technology, and after graduating last year, he stayed in Beijing to work as a baseball coach.

In April this year, Taiqing Song Qixuan co-founded the “New Generation Baseball Club” in Beijing. The picture shows Song Qixuan carrying out a public welfare baseball class project for local schools in Qingchuan County, Sichuan Province. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

“When I first came here, I wanted to see the outside world, and at the same time I wanted to go back to play professionally.” Song Qixuan recalled that later he wanted to promote this sport so that more people would know about baseball and learn to play baseball. In the past few years when he came to Beijing, he also felt the vigorous development of local baseball, “more people are trying.”

Becoming a professional baseball player is the dream of many students. In Song Qixuan’s view, the average career of a baseball player is 5 to 10 years. If he gives up the idea of ​​becoming a professional player and changes the “runway” early, he can try more possibilities. As early as in college, in addition to participating in competitions, he also used part-time weekend teaching to accumulate teaching experience.

In April of this year, Song Qixuan, who had the idea of ​​starting a club when he was in college, co-founded the “New Generation Baseball Club” with Wang Haoya and Zhu Jianbin, the first batch of Taiwanese baseball superstars who also graduated from North China University of Technology, to provide professional baseball guidance and services. Named “New Generation”, he said that it was a new beginning for the three of them to work hard, and he wanted to bring something different and open a new chapter.

To carry out training scientifically, the club has introduced professional equipment from the United States. Song Qixuan introduced that the instrument can provide accurate information and data for players pitching baseball, helping coaches and players find problems and adjust training methods reasonably. He also said that before the establishment of the club, the team members went back to Taiwan to learn the latest training concepts and techniques.

In their clubs, most of the people learning to play baseball are teenagers. Song Qixuan said that the children had many difficulties in understanding the rules of baseball at first, but they all have a good learning psychology. Whenever they achieve some results, they will always drive themselves to continue to do well in this sport. In his opinion, during the process of playing baseball, children will encounter failures and feel the importance of the team, which is conducive to cultivating team awareness.

In September this year, the 19th Asian Games will open in Hangzhou, and baseball will be included as an official event. Song Qixuan believes that the Asian Games, an international event, can be held in the mainland, which will greatly promote the development of baseball. He said that now in mainland China, there is more and more support for baseball, and many people are learning about baseball and paying attention to baseball.

Taiwan’s baseball game started early and has many games. In Song Qixuan’s view, in the future, the two sides of the strait can hold more baseball exchange games or forums to learn from each other. He also hopes to bring the children of his club to Taiwan for exchange and experience baseball culture in the future.

After coming to Beijing for nearly 5 years, Song Qixuan has already adapted to life here. The high degree of tolerance and the convenience of life are also the reasons why he chose to stay. Through participating in baseball games, he has also been to Hebei, Shandong, Tianjin, Shenzhen and other provinces and cities over the years. Before being interviewed by the reporter, he and Wang Haoya had just returned from Qingchuan County, Sichuan Province. They launched a public welfare baseball class project in the local school.

In recent years, more and more young Taiwanese are studying and working in the mainland. Song Qixuan recognized this very much, and said that going out for a walk would help broaden his horizons. Talking about the future, he hopes to do a good job in the club, “let more people like baseball and experience the joy and emotion brought by baseball.” (over)

Article source: China News Agency
Responsible editor: Xu Yamin

2023-06-28 07:19:20
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