The Judo sports association of the Hauts Cantons was born

A new association, Judo des Hauts Cantons has just been created during a reception.

The ceremony began with a practice that saw young and old compete. The younger ones held out for their elders, under the admiring and proud eyes of the parents.

The coaches then addressed everyone. “Judo is about living things together and being stronger. We are here to pass on a passion and, here, the spotlight has been given to women, proof that it is indeed a great club that generates a mixed sport. “.

The mayor, Francis Barsse said with pride, he who practiced this discipline, “it’s a sporting family that settles”. The first magistrate retraced the history of judo in Bédarieux and spoke of the recent regional champion, “Nathan Moustelon in full future”talked about the aid granted through grants to associations and concluded by wishing “long life to this new club”.

For the president of Grand Orb, Pierre Mathieu, “it’s great and long live judo”.

The sports delegate “thanked the children who animated this event. Judo is the DNA of sport”. He then drew up a retrospective of judo in the town, from the slaughterhouse to the current dojo. “I think children will thrive here.”

Magalie Touet concluded the speech session by saying that she was “happy with the number of girls on the tatami. I hope they will be emulated”.

2023-06-01 04:03:09
#Judo #sports #association #Hauts #Cantons #born


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