The slippery stairs slowed down the flight. Švábíková mourned the missed race, then regretted her opponent

Chořov (from our reporter) Now she is back, which she would like to confirm at the European Team Championship in Chořov, where she will compete on Saturday.

What did you get hurt at?

Such nonsense… I was in a hurry for training and we have slippery, wooden stairs at home. I slipped and bruised my ankle. Nothing terrible, the swelling went down, I didn’t even have to use crutches. The rest helped and my ankle no longer hurts at all.

But the impact on a promising season was noticeable.

It was unpleasant. At the Extraliza in Pilsen, I was surprised that I broke the outdoor personal record in the very second race and got over 460. It indicated to me that something was transferred from the hall, and she was preparing for the Memorial of Josef Odložil, which I had to miss.

It didn’t have to bother you so much during a heavy downpour on Juliska…

I cried a lot at the beginning. I was sorry because I could race with my younger sister, in front of the whole family… But when I saw what the weather was like, it hurt a little less and I felt more sorry for the girls.

You then trained with the Canadian record holder Alysha Newman on Juliska.

We met in Turku and she said that there would be five days in Prague between the races, because her coach is from Jablonec nad Nisou, and that we could train together. And it was great.

Can you feel your form coming back?

I am back. I was jumping in Turku, then I was supposed to go to one more meeting in France, but we canceled it so that I could make up for the loss of ten days and train before the European Team Championship and the Golden Shoe. And now I feel good, we added technical training, speed and strength.

In Chořov there is also a rule that four failed jumps mean the end of the competition.

I completely missed this, I only found out about it on Wednesday at the meeting, where they emphasized it to us. But I go into every race with the idea that you have to jump at the first attempts. I understand that it can be attractive for the fans when the favorite falls due to attempts at a height that is easy for her, but it is the European Team Championships and I think it should be fought to the last height. We’d rather not have that rule.

Will your traditionally supportive family come here to see you?

Except for the Golden Shoe. I said that it was useless, let them spare the vocal cords for Ostrava. (smile)

2023-06-23 18:11:50
#slippery #stairs #slowed #flight #Švábíková #mourned #missed #race #regretted #opponent


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