The star of the Women’s National Team told about the meeting with Lionel Messi and what dream he had pending | Mendoza is a figure in Atlético de Madrid

Estefanía Banini, a player for the Argentine Women’s Soccer Team, is preparing for the next World Cup in New Zealand, which begins on July 20. In an interview, the athlete recounted details of her meeting with Lionel Messi, and she advanced what they discussed with the captain of La Scaloneta. In addition, she recognized that although Argentina is not at the same level as the great soccer powers, “the team has the ability to compete against anyone.”

The Atlético de Madrid player spoke about meeting Lionel Messi and revealed what her dream would be: “It was at a lunch organized by AFA where the two senior teams were. I had the chance to be with Messi and all the players, but somewhere It is difficult to coincide on the property, because everyone has their calendar,” he said.

“It really was a quick lunch, but they wished us good luck in the World Cup that we were going to play. It was quite formal, we didn’t have the chance to talk about soccer or do soccer tennis, I’d die if I do soccer tennis with the boys “said the forward of the national team.

Referring to the state in which they arrive at the international tournament, Banini said: “Realistically, we know that we are not at the level of the powers, but what distinguishes this team is our ability to compete against them. In the last World Cup, we we faced two of those powers and we gave them battle”, she expressed in the ESPN program, where she was accompanied by Germán Portanova, the coach of the selected team.

Regarding his participation in the World Cup, Banini stated that he is in a good personal and professional moment, with confidence and experience acquired throughout his career. Although he acknowledged that he physically he could have made better use of his current knowledge a few years ago.

women in soccer

The player, who started representing the country at the age of 16, recalled the difficulties she had to overcome to make her way in football: “First I had to tell my parents that I wanted to play football, that shocked them, because culturally in society It was not accepted that a woman played soccer, but I was lucky that they accompanied me,” he said.

The Mendoza revealed that it was difficult for her to find a team to play. (Photo: Telam)

“I had many colleagues who had to stop playing because they wouldn’t let them. I went through ten neighborhood clubs that told me no, that they didn’t have women’s football, that they didn’t have the category, a lot of excuses. It took me until I had the I was lucky to fall into a neighborhood futsal club, Cementista, from Mendoza, where they said yes to me. There I did everything with men, I was the only girl who played in the league. That was until I was 17, and at 18 I I went to play in Chile,” he explained.

The resignation request

Banini spoke about the episode in which she and other teammates requested the resignation of the coaching staff led by Carlos Borello, which meant that they did not call her for three years.

“We believed that we needed a change to be able to continue growing and make this branch grow. At that time, he had been there for more than 15 years and we believed that we needed a different process, that they teach us and learn. We needed that extra, for the National Team to play at something and not only see the rivals, get behind and dedicate ourselves to defending, because it was impossible to win. I was playing at the time in the United States, with world champions, and I reached the National Team and wanted something better for my country. And Well, it took me three years outside,” said the Mendoza woman.

Despite the consequences he faced, Banini assured that he does not regret having expressed his opinion, since he believes that it led to a positive change in the team and greater attention from those responsible for the selection.

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2023-06-28 21:22:09
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