1st AlterGo Sports Mini-Challenge brings inclusive sports to Chaudière-Appalaches region

ACTIVITY. The Caztel Center in Sainte-Marie hosted the 1st AlterGo Sports Mini-Challenge in Chaudière-Appalaches on June 13, an event attended by more than 120 participants from all over the region, as well as some thirty volunteers and accompanying persons. of the various delegations of the region.

Organized in collaboration with the Chaudière-Appalaches Regional Recreation Association for People with Disabilities, the activity was inspired by the Défi sportif AlterGo and aimed to recreate the context of sports competitions with an opening ceremony, a collective warm-up, sports and a ceremonial award ceremony for the winners, not to mention the presence of an entertainment area and the possibility for everyone to try out adapted sports.

Sports development agent at the Regional Association of Recreation for People with Disabilities, Alexis Boulenger, said he was surprised by the energy of the participants. “Everyone played the game. The delegations arrived with their jerseys to represent their school. They lived the experience and behaved as if it were Paralympic games. It surprised us that people got into the mood so well. »

The Mini-Challenge included events of sprint, wheelchair slalom, cross training, shot put, long jump, as well as four adapted sports such as sledge hockey, adapted baseball, boccia and others. The participants were aged 5 to 65 with different limitations, some physical, intellectual or sensory.

“The objective is to introduce sports adapted to young and old who have limitations in physical activity. We have about ten sports that have been specially designed for people with limitations. The idea of ​​doing it in Sainte-Marie is perfect, because it is central enough to allow many to participate. We had people from Black Lake, Lévis, Saint-Georges, Bellechasse and elsewhere and that allows everyone to come,” adds Mr. Boulenger.

The challenge has existed for 40 years, but was a first in the region. Alexis Boulenger explains that the event has been taking place across Quebec for several years. “They started two years ago in Saguenay, then last year in Gaspésie and it was our turn this year. We might have a provincial event eventually. The Challenge still has a big machine, well run. They come with all their gear, protocol and stuff, which helps a lot. »

Naturally, participants who took part in the Challenge will eventually receive medals, except that these were not awarded on the same day. “Each participant received a gift. We no longer give medals directly on the spot, since some young people have intellectual limitations, it creates disappointment, tears and frustrations. Organizations will receive their medals eventually and they will be distributed internally. »

The scale and originality of the event seemed to please all delegations, with some even promising to mobilize more people next time and maximize participation.

A hockey simulation was among the activities. Photo Beauce Media – Eric Gourde
2023-07-02 17:00:21
#Offer #sport #people #disabilities


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