51st International Cervantino Festival: United States and Sonora Take Center Stage

GUANAJUATO. —In the program of the 51st edition of the International Cervantino Festival (FIC), which will have the United States as its international guest and Sonora as its national guest, the participations of the Venice Baroque Orchestra of Italy stand out; the Schauspiel Köln company, with a production between Germany and Mexico based on the novel El salvaje, by Guillermo Arriaga; pop musician Caloncho, and the Sonora Philharmonic Orchestra, which will present a tribute to Arturo Márquez.

Also noteworthy are the New York companies Dance Theater of Harlem and Ballet Hispánico; a choreography by the Beijing Dance Theater of the People’s Republic of China and the closing concert by Arturo O’Farrill and The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra.

During the ceremony to publicize the programming, which took place at the Guanajuato State Auditorium, Silvio González, Minister Counselor for Public Diplomacy of the United States Embassy in our country, spoke on behalf of Ken Salazar, Ambassador of the EU, and made a call to meditate on what will come in the coming years and to question how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change the future of the Cervantino Festival.

Diversity and inclusion are the axes of this edition, the diplomat pointed out:

“There is no more important and close relationship than ours. Art and culture celebrate us and unite us”.

During her speech, the Secretary of Culture, Alejandra Frausto, said that at this time humanism has to advance at the same speed as technology.

One of the characteristics that make the International Cervantino Festival different in this edition are the samples of the NFL and Major League Baseball, as a sign of the importance of sport in giving identity to American culture, as well as the extensive gastronomic exhibition of the invited State: Sonora.

In total there will be 146 scenic activities that will take place from October 13 to 29 in different venues in Guanajuato; 17 stage groups are from the United States, as well as 20 performances from that country.

The 146 activities do not include cinema —Lost at night, a film by Amat Escalante, will be released nationwide, and a coordinated effort between the US and the Mexico City Documentary Film Festival was announced— or visual arts exhibitions, where Chicano culture will play a central role. 33 countries with more than 2,000 artists will participate in the FIC.

In the case of Sonora, there will be 550 artists who will give voice to the native peoples and around 300 are from Guanajuato. “Our country and the invited state share the cultural legacy of the original peoples,” said Marianna Aymerich, director of the Festival:

Two events play a central role in this International Cervantino Festival: the 200 years of diplomatic relations between the United States and Mexico and the 200th anniversary of Guanajuato as a Free and Sovereign State.

In the event, the governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo; the one from Sonora, Alfonso Durazo; the municipal president of Guanajuato, Alejandro Navarro; the rector of the University of Guanajuato, Luis Felipe Guerrero; and the director of the Sonoran Institute of Culture, Guadalupe Aldaco.

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2023-07-14 07:24:52
#Cervantino #celebrates #centuries #MexicoEU #relationship


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