75% of People with Disabilities Lack Employment Opportunities: Campaign Raises Awareness

This is a campaign created by the Advertising Council and Alianza Ahora where they state that 75% of people with disabilities do not get a job.

75% of people with disabilities do not get formal employment, which is why the Plubicitario Council together with the NGO Ahora Discapacidad created a spot to make this reality visible.

“In Argentina, there is a lot of talk about promoting inclusion and diversity, but of the 5,114,190 inhabitants with disabilities in our country, 75% of them cannot find a job. While these people lose a right, society loses a talent. For this reason, achieving an inclusive culture is everyone’s responsibility,” says the campaign.

To do this, they resorted to artificial intelligence in order to create fictitious images of work situations that could and should exist if there was true inclusion in companies.

Labor inclusion goes beyond simply hiring people; it is a process of changing business and organizational culture that requires a sustained commitment.

Source: Chain3

2023-07-16 13:27:25
#artificial #intelligence #raise #awareness #labor #inclusion


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