Alain Vossen Withdraws from Legislative Elections; Jean-Marc Schmidt to Replace Him

Legislative elections

Alain Vossen is no longer standing in the legislative elections for the ADR, Jean-Marc Schmidt is replacing him.

The ADR announced on Monday evening that there would be a change in its list of candidates for the Eastern constituency for the legislative elections. Alain Vossen, a 36-year-old entrepreneur, has withdrawn from the race, we learned. According to the ADR, this removal is linked to “Facebook posts he published eight years ago that were taken out of their then context, in part using Photoshop”. Alain Vossen therefore no longer feels able to represent the ideas of the ADR. He regrets his “reckless use of social media” at the time and now distances himself from his posts from then.

Read also: The ADR unveils its major ambitions for the elections

According to information from Luxembourg word, at least one of these posts is a photo on which we see Alain Vossen in the company of another person. He wears a t-shirt with a prominent SS symbol on the sleeve. In at least two other instances, the ex-ADR candidate apparently posted a picture of Adolf Hitler with a tacky slogan, one of those phrases downplaying the Holocaust. This photo of Hitler is from 2015.

In addition, in 2022, another photo that could be considered problematic was published by the ex-ADR candidate. In the snap, Alain Vossen wore a red baseball cap bearing Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” but the word “America” ​​was replaced with the word “Russia.” The corresponding Facebook profile has been deactivated in the meantime.

A few years ago, Alain Vossen posed with a t-shirt on which the SS runes are clearly recognizable. © PHOTO: Facebook screenshot

In addition, in 2022, another photo that could be considered problematic was published by the ex-ADR candidate. In the snap, Alain Vossen wore a red baseball cap bearing Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” but the word “America” ​​was replaced with the word “Russia.” The corresponding Facebook profile has been deactivated in the meantime.

According to the ADR, the East borough committee unanimously nominated Jean-Marc Schmidt, 50, a Germanist graduate from Mondorf, as the new candidate for the legislative elections, who has worked since 2021 as a parliamentary adviser for the party.

This article was originally published on the Luxemburger Wort website.
Adaptation: Laura Bannier

2023-07-25 07:23:08
#ADR #replaces #candidates #discovery #Facebook #posts #Nazi #character


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