Camagüey’s Disappointing Results: A Review of the 59th National School Games

CAMAGÜEY.- After several weeks of competitions in fields all over the country, on July 22 the 59 National School Gameswhich will be remembered in Camaguey as one of the worst in history.

From third place in the general table in the last edition, it fell in free fall to thirteenth place, among 16 participating provinces.

Only 73 medals were collected by the Camagüey delegation in these games (15 gold, 18 silver and 40 bronze), far from the honor roll made up of Havana 268 (117-71-80), Cienfuegos 171 (67-48- 56) and Matanzas 120 (48-32-40).

Camagüey did not collectively win any of the 35 sports disciplines called this year, and was only included on the podium in five of them.

The second places in boxing and rhythmic gymnastics and the third places in badminton, wrestling and volleyball saved the honor along with the fourth places in chess and handball.

That yes, in the events of the Paralympic movement the results were better, because in badminton, for example, the national scepter was reached.

These bad results do not conform to the pre-competition forecasts, because -although the lack of some resources for training and the little training suggested that it would be very difficult to repeat what happened in 2022-, nobody calculated that the debacle would be such.

Everything indicates that the recruitment of post-COVID-19 athletes was the first ingredient in this unfortunate recipe, which also has some emigration of specialized technical force in some sports and a lack of strategic vision in others.

However, despite the unexpected setbacks, several individuals fill the specialists and followers of the sport from Camagüey with hope.

Some of our little champions make us dream of future glories in the senior category, like the spectacular wrestler Ray Daniel Hernández. For the second year in a row, this exceptional man won all seven Greco-Roman style matches in his division for technical superiority, accumulating a total of 57 points in favor and only one against.

Stefany Leblanch, rhythmic gymnastics, and María Claudia Gutiérrez, swimming, each hung six medals around their necks, the first two of each color and the second three silvers and the same number of bronzes.

And when it comes to glitter, the highest accumulator of gold metals was the swimmer Liayalis Daniel, with three.

From now on, the technical group of the Cerro Pelado Sports Initiation School has the task of seeking explanations and charting the path to retake the vanguard positions next year.

The alarm for this unfortunate outcome did not go off only in our territory, because for the Cuban sports movement it is worrying that one of its most prestigious academies drops promotion so abruptly overnight.

2023-07-29 05:27:11
#Unexpected #debacle #Camagüey #School #Games


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