Catalana Alghero Clinches Victory in Parma, Rendering Kennedy Results Irrelevant

Destiny was in the hands of Catalana Alghero who played their best in Parma against Junior winning both scheduled matches and making the results of the Kennedy in Milan irrelevant, a stadium in which, however, Piacenza suffered a double defeat.

Not much to say about the first match: the attack from Piacenza is in the grip of the strong Milan pitchers who dominated the season: Varalda first, then Zotti and finally the closure of the veteran Morillo granting the red and white line up the misery of only two hits (Chacon and Cufré) scoring nine strikeouts. For the first third of the game the score remained nailed to 0-0 but the game got out of hand for Piacenza during the fourth inning: a single, a field choice and an error filled the bases for Milan and Torrellas at bat was not asked to clear the bases by hitting a double to left. No reaction from Piacenza from here to the end of the match, gained in the lower part of the eighth in which Milan hit the hits necessary to produce the points for the fateful gap of ten which decreed the early suspension of the match.

Game two sees the red and white line up full of young players and, thanks to a super performance by Dall’Agnese on the mountain, takes the game to the eighth inning still scoreless. The decisive point Milan scores in the lower part thanks to an error and a couple of inside jokes. However, even in the afternoon match, the red and white clubs remained silent and collected only three valid hits. Booty too small to bring points on the scoreboard, so just one point is enough for Milan to get the twenty-fourth victory of the season.

Milan-Piacenza 2-0 (10-0 1-0); Junior PR-Catalana Alghero 0-2 (5-8 2-7); CABS Seveso-Avigliana 1-1 (3-8 6-5); Ares MI-Fossano 0-2 (5-7 1-10)

Milan 24v 4p; Catalan Alghero 20v 8p; Piacenza 18v 10p; Avigliana 12v 15p Ares 11v 16p; Junior PR 10v 18p; CABS Seveso 9v 19p; Fossano 7v 21p

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2023-07-25 04:38:58
#Piacenza #Baseball #defeated #Milan #Alghero #playoffs


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