Chiapas ranked as the state that consumes the most sugary drinks – El Sol de México

The state of Chiapas has become the world epicenter for the consumption of sugary drinks, with an alarming average of 821.25 liters per inhabitant per year, according to a study by the Center for Multidisciplinary Research on Chiapas and the Southern Border (Cimsur). This high intake of the popular soft drink, which represents more than 70 percent of Mexican national consumption of bottled sugary drinks, has set off alarm bells due to its serious consequences for public health.

According to data from the tenth edition of Brand Footprint, 4 out of 10 households worldwide use electronic commerce to purchase consumer goods, and the most popular drink is Coca-Cola. It is worth mentioning that the negative impact of sugary drinks on health is widely known, and Chiapas is no exception.

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Studies indicate that excessive consumption of these drinks increases the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, overweight and obesity. The National Institute of Public Health warns that more than 40,000 deaths in Mexico each year, which represents seven percent of the total, are linked to the consumption of these beverages.

Every time an adult person consumes four 600-milliliter bottles of bottled soda, they are ingesting an amount equivalent to 50 coffee spoons of sugar, exceeding the recommended daily intake of sugars by more than 500 percent. This creates a serious public health problem, especially in a region where diabetes mellitus has become the leading cause of death over the last decade.

The problem is not limited to the field of health. The high consumption of sugary drinks has led Chiapas families to allocate the highest percentage of their income to food and non-alcoholic beverages, according to data from the National Expenditure Survey (Engasto).

The reasons behind the high consumption of soft drinks in Chiapas are diverse. The presence of a Coca-Cola bottling plant in the municipality of San Cristóbal de las Casas has contributed to making this brand the favorite among the population. In addition, the lack of access to quality and affordable drinking water, as well as lax legislation towards soft drink companies and marketing campaigns in local languages, also influence this phenomenon.

The industry has defended itself arguing that it creates jobs and carries out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. However, the detrimental effects of high consumption of sugary drinks in communities, especially rural ones, are undeniable. The replacement of traditional drinks such as pozol with soft drinks and beer has had a negative impact on the health and nutrition of the population.

An analysis by the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas, for example, concludes that pozol, a traditional drink, contains a large number of beneficial microorganisms, has a high percentage of protein, fat vegetable and carbohydrates, being considered a product of high nutritional quality, in comparison with other industrialized beverages.

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In view of this, he mentions that in order to address this serious public health problem, it is essential to ensure the human right to water and promote comprehensive policies that regulate the food industry. It is necessary to promote healthy habits and guarantee access to quality nutritional options, prioritizing traditional and healthy drinks that are part of the culture and identity of the communities. With coordinated and responsible actions, this trend can be reversed and a healthier future ensured. for each and every Chiapas.

Originally published in El Heraldo de Chiapas

2023-07-16 18:28:11
#Chiapas #ranked #state #consumes #sugary #drinks #Sol #México


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