Coaticook Municipality Installs Wifi Antennas on Saint-Edmond Church Steeple for Recreational Facilities Coverage

COATICOOK. In order to provide wifi coverage to all of its recreational facilities, the Municipality of Coaticook will install small antennas on the steeple of the Saint-Edmond church.

“This equipment will be very discreet, wishes to specify the mayor Simon Madore. If we hadn’t announced it, probably no one would have known that we had put antennas there. It will never undo our built heritage. »

The location targeted by the City is a privileged one due to its height. “In the past, our coverage, we went there by sector, notes the first magistrate. For example, before, for the digital panel in the city center, the signal started from the city hall. Sometimes it didn’t always work. We therefore carried out a study on the best site to cover all of our leisure facilities and the steeple of Saint-Edmond was the chosen location. »

“From there, you can pick up the signal everywhere, whether it’s at soccer fields, baseball fields or even the dog park,” continues Mr. Madore. We are in 2023, so it is a service that we must offer to the population as well as to all our organizations. »

It should be noted that royalties will be offered to Saint-Edmond Church for the use of its facilities.

You can access the data in the various parks or in the city center by selecting “Wifi Coaticook”.

2023-07-17 16:09:40
#Wifi #coverage #Coaticook #install #small #antennas #steeple #SaintEdmond #church


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