Controversy Surrounding GoFundMe Collection for Family of Policeman Involved in Nahel Shooting

The kitty for the family of the policeman who shot Nahel has been paid to the beneficiary, announces GoFundme.

One, today indicted for intentional homicide following the death of young Nahel. According to Le Parisien, the 1.6 million euros collected on GoFundMe were given to his wife. The large number of donations had sparked a lively controversy, with many people, including political figures, believing that it legitimized police violence.

A complaint had been filed against Jean Messiha by Nahel’s family and LFI deputies had unsuccessfully seized the public prosecutor to close the kitty.

To “meet the needs of the family”

According to GoFundMe, police officer’s wife “has undertaken in writing that all the funds raised will be used in accordance with the objective of the fundraising, that is to say for the sole purpose of meeting the needs of the family” et “that no part of the funds collected be used in any way whatsoever to ensure the defense of her husband”.

“If it does not respect these commitments, it should not only return the money but also” answer for all the legal consequences resulting from the non-respect of its commitments set out above “, continued the platform” in Le Parisien.

2023-07-14 19:34:35
#prize #pool #million #euros #paid #policemans #wife


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