Danube Titans Face Setbacks in Landesliga Ost, Fight for Second Place

The Danube Titans are currently fighting for second place in the table in the Landesliga Ost, behind the overwhelming Schwechat Blue Bats II. After a recent win against the Stockerau Cubs II, the chances are not bad either, but the most recent game day was on Sunday a little setback. That’s where you initially caught a defeat against the Woodquarter Red Devils, the bottom of the table. The Red Devils started like crazy with six points in the first inning. The Titans switched pitchers, hit back with six runs, and tied the game. After that, the defensive dominated and a long phase without points followed. But shortly before the end, the Devils scored two more points, with which they snatched victory – final score 6:8.

In the game against the Vienna Lawnmowers, direct competitors for second place, things didn’t go according to the Titans’ expectations either. With two failures that had to be coped with, and in the great heat, the forces were not quite enough to make life difficult for the Viennese and a painful 2:12 defeat set in.

But now the Titans have to get back up quickly. The second return games against the Cubs II and the Red Devils continue on Saturday.

2023-07-19 13:54:20
#Baseball #Danube #Titans #Place #Chase


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