European Games: Oschmautz rushes past the medal

European Games

The kayak whitewater slalom competitions at the European Games did not bring the hoped-for medals for Austria on Saturday. However, Felix Oschmautz only just missed out on the podium in the final. As at the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2021, the 23-year-old from Carinthia had to settle for fourth place.

01.07.2023 15.23

Online since today, 3:23 p.m

He missed bronze by just 0.21 seconds without penalty. Victory went to Jiri Prskavec (CZE/88.21 sec.) in front of Martin Dougoud (SUI/+1.39) and Joseph Clarke (GBR/+1.59). Oschmautz needed 1.80 seconds longer than the winner. He was the fourth fastest canoeist in the semifinals, Mario Leitner was eliminated in 22nd place before the final.

There were also medal hopes for the women. Corinna Kuhnle also made it into the final in sixth place in the semi-finals, but she had nothing to do with the podium due to a four-second penalty. Kuhnle was sixth, 4.74 seconds short of bronze. Viktoria Wolffhardt was eliminated in 26th place. Gold went to Ricarda Funk (GER/99.09 seconds) ahead of Klaudia Zwolinska (POL/+1.97) and Tereza Fiserova (CZE/+3.25).


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