Formation of the League of Corsica: A Milestone in the Relationship with Territories

As part of the development of the relationship with the territories, Pascal Couvineau and Vincent Legras, respectively Vice-President in charge of relations with the territories and Head of the Relations with the territories sector, went to Bastia on June 24 to represent the federation and accompany the future leaders during the constituent general assembly of the League of Corsica.

Following this highlight, a new office was appointed to govern this new league, which now brings the federation to 20 regional leagues (12 metropolitan and 8 ultramarine / extracontinental)

Here is the office that will make up this new instance:
Mr GORGET Yannick, President of the Corsican badminton league.
Mr ROUGÉ Denis, Vice-President of the Corsican badminton league.
Mr SANSEN Éric, secretary of the Corsican badminton league.
Mr MARIGHETTO Pascal, assistant secretary of the Corsican badminton league.
Madame BRASSEUR Claire, treasurer of the Corsican badminton league.

We would like to thank all the people who made this project possible, as well as the PACA Badminton League for having ensured the management of the Corsican clubs during all these years.
Many projects have already been mentioned to structure and develop this league (supervision, technical officials, competitions, etc.).

2023-07-11 12:44:46
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