Former Head of Montpellier Judo Center Cleared of Allegations by FFJDA Disciplinary Committee

Removed from the workforce of the French Judo Federation (FFJDA) in mid-April, Paul-Thierry Pesqué was summoned by the disciplinary committee in early June. He had gotten a postponement. The former head of Montpellier Hopes center risked being struck off for life by the world of judo.

Accompanied by his lawyer Me Romain Vanni, the colossus appeared on July 12 before Me Yann Le Bras, the president of the commission, assisted by Camille Henri and Eva Netter. He came out cleared, according to the report of the hearing, which we were able to consult.

“Thus, the commission considers, in conscience, that the delay to properly assess these facts, and possibly pronounce a conviction, is not reasonable in the context of this case, can we read in the document. Consequently, says that there is no need to pronounce a sanction against Mr. Pesqué. »

The disciplinary procedure had been opened following the receipt of the prohibition measure to which he was subject by the prefect of Val-de-Marne, on February 7, 2023. He was accused of acts of regular violence and repeated attacks against the athletes he supervised, and their endangerment during his duties within the Pôle espoir de Montpellier between 2004 and 2006, as well as breaches of safety rules.

But also acts of violence and inappropriate behavior as a national coach, especially during a training course during the 2002 Easter holidays, in Corsica. In October 2021, Liberation had published a long investigation concerning this coach “known for having made, on several occasions and in front of witnesses, the use of extreme brutality with the hopes of French judo”.

“For 18 years, the teaching of judo by Paul-Thierry Pesqué has not given rise to any complaint or report”

The FFJDA Disciplinary Committee, in a report

In its report, the disciplinary body of the FFJDA explains its decision as follows: “The commission notes that the facts before it occurred in 2002 for one and between 2004 and 2006 for the second. The committee observes that if these facts were to be subject to criminal proceedings, they would be time-barred, at the latest during the year 2013, ie a time-barred ten to fifteen years ago. […] This observation leads the commission to wonder about the reasonable delay”.

In addition, the commission notes that no more recent fact is reproached to the person concerned. She recalls that, “for 18 years, the teaching of judo by Paul-Thierry Pesqué has not given rise to any complaint or report”.

Pesqué’s lawyer will request the return of his client to the FFJDA

“I am very satisfied with this decision, fair and reasonable, which contributes to the restoration of my client’s honor”, declared Me Vanni. The latter is now working to have the prefect’s decree, pronounced on February 10 against his client, annulled, in which “the Prefect of Val-de-Marne issued a prefect’s decree against him temporarily prohibiting him from exercising the functions mentioned in article L212-1 of the Sports Code (teaching the practice of sport for remuneration). This measure applies for a period of two years to a minor public.

He will therefore bring the decision of the FFJDA disciplinary committee to the attention of the administrative court. He will then ask for the reinstatement of Paul-Thierry Pesqué within the staff of the FFJDA. It was made available to the regional academic delegation for youth, engagement and sports (DRAJES) in Île-de-France in April.

2023-07-31 15:57:39
#PaulThierry #Pesqué #obtains #prescription #disciplinary #bodies #judo


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