He gave it his all! Cardi B criticized for “twerking” in front of a child character during Kulture’s birthday

Cardi B is one of the celebrities most accustomed to scandals and is once again being criticized after the publication of a video taken on July 10 at the American Dream Mall in New Jersey, where she is seen doing her characteristic “twerking”.

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However, people believe that it was not the best place or the right time for him to make those types of movements that they considered vulgar, and that is that the recording was made while his daughter Kulture’s birthday celebration was taking place at an amusement park located inside the mall.

In this place there is a figure of “Grandpa Lou Pickles”, from the Nickelodeon animated series ‘Rugrats’which adorns a bench and the singer did not hesitate to approach as if she were dancing to him in a suggestive way, a situation that many Internet users did not like, who described it as “vulgar”.

“Really, public shame” and “by God, what a lack of everything. That’s not elegant”were some of the comments issued on social networks to classify the scene and some even asked that it be fined, especially because it is a place where there are many children present.

2023-07-15 19:04:57
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