Heavy vehicle industry grows at double digits in the first half of 2023 – El Sol de México

The heavy vehicle industry in Mexico grew at double digits in terms of sales, production and exports in the first half of the year.

According to the Inegi, retail and wholesale sales of trucks and heavy units grew between January and June 31.50 and 38.69 percent at an annual rate, respectively.

The production of this type of vehicle, meanwhile, grew 24.27 percent annually in the first half of the year, to total 113,526 units.

Likewise, the industry sent 91 thousand 315 heavy vehicles abroad, mainly to the United States, a figure greater than that registered in the first half of last year by 20.16 percent.

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With these data, the heavy vehicle industry, such as passenger trucks and cargo units, reflected a recovery trend after the impact of the pandemic.

2023-07-12 16:19:00
#Heavy #vehicle #industry #grows #double #digits #Sol #México


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