If Qualifying for the 2024-2025 Champions League, Can Juventus Take Part? : Okezone Ball

IF qualify for the 2024-2025 Champions League, can Juventus take part? Yes, maybe this question is something that is also being thought by some Juventus fans who are also disappointed because their favorite team has been punished by UEFA not to be allowed to play in European competitions.

For those who don’t know, Juventus will certainly not be allowed to participate in European competition for the 2023-2024 season. This is because Juventus is said to have violated Financial Fair Play (FFP).

So that Juventus, who should have played in the 2023-2024 European Conference League, were certainly kicked out by UEFA. The position of the Old Lady will be replaced by Fiorentina, who in the 2022-2023 Italian League finished eighth or just below Juventus.

Juventus also reportedly did not file an appeal. Although in their official statement, Massimiliano Allegri’s team still emphasized that they did not violate FFP as stated by UEFA.

Juventus’ own violation was related to accusations of falsifying the transfer value and the team’s financial reports related to capital gains. So, during the pandemic, Juventus reduced players’ salaries for four months, but in fact the team only reduced their players’ salaries for just one month.

Meanwhile, three months later it was not reported by Juventus, so they avoided taxes. It was this reason that made UEFA impose a ban on Juventus from playing in European club competitions in the 2023-2024 season and a fine of 20 million euros or approximately IDR 302 billion, with half of it suspended.

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Because half of it is suspended, Juventus currently only need to pay 10 million euros. Meanwhile, the remaining 10 million euros will only be taken if the Bianconeri fail to comply with FFP rules in the next three years.

If you look at the statement above, does that mean Juventus will also be banned from playing in European competitions for three years? the answer is no, because UEFA only imposes a ban on playing in European competitions for one season.

That’s why Juventus also accepted the punishment and did not appeal even though they admitted that they had not carried out FFP. After all, Juventus are banned from playing in the third caste of European competition, the 2023-2024 European Conference League.

“We regret the decision of the UEFA Club Financial Control Body. We do not agree with the interpretation that has been given of our defence, and we remain convinced of the correctness of our actions and the validity of our arguments. However, we have decided not to appeal this decision,” said the President Juventus Gianluca Ferrero, quoted from the official Juventus website, Monday (31/7/2023).

Juventus also made the 2023-2024 season a moment of self-improvement and tried to focus on local competitions so they could win and win tickets for the 2024-2025 Champions League.

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2023-07-31 07:32:12
#Qualifying #Champions #League #Juventus #Part #Okezone #Ball


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