IME Celebrates Anniversary with 1970s-themed Living Room Recreation

For the anniversary of the IME, the young people and their supervisors recreated a living room from the 1970s.

On Saturday July 1, families of young people were invited to the annual celebration of the medico-educational institute (IME), avenue de l’Hôpital.

A fair was organized by the socio-educational home, with games, a shared meal, a show prepared by young people, a demonstration of judo, circus, song, dance and choreography.

Old photos and clippings

Céline Camus, the director explains: “The staff of the establishment have found old photos and press articles to create an exhibition retracing the fifty years of the IME. »

The young people decorated a room with elements dating from the 1970s. “We are in partnership with the Emmaüs de La Source centre. Our young people collect objects, which can be recycled and sold. Emmaüs provided us with furniture to furnish this room. »

The IME of La Source welcomes and accompanies young people with disabilities, in order to prepare their autonomy and their socio-professional integration. Some families have returned to visit the center.

Valentin, 21, stayed there for six years: “I discovered different trades such as green spaces, catering, laundry, packaging, floriculture or bicycle repair. I will start working in Esat (establishment and service of help through work). »

His mother, Sabine, is very satisfied with the services of the IME: “This training allowed my son to exploit his abilities and find a path that resembles him by adapting to his difficulty”.

2023-07-10 04:10:16
#IME #1970s


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