Introducing the Franco-Canadian Games of the North and West: A Celebration of Francophone Youth in Western and Northern Canada

Who are the participants?

The Games bring together French-speaking young people aged 14 to 18 who live in the provinces and territories of Western and Northern Canada.

Six delegations are expected from Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, and Nunavut.

The teams will be mixed, therefore interprovincial and interterritorial. In other words, each of them will be made up of young people from the different delegations.

For the organizers, it is a way of promoting exchanges and meetings between young people. It is in these exchanges that young people develop their identity and their belonging to the Francophonie, says Casey Edmunds, general manager of the Franco-Canadian Games of the North and West.

What are the disciplines?

The participants will compete in 12 disciplines, classified into 3 profiles: artistic, engaged and sporty.

In the artistic profile, we find: culinary arts, visual arts, improvisation and music. In the committed profile, there are: civic action, public speaking and the media.

Finally, in the sports profile, young people will show their talent in badminton, basketball, running, ultimate frisbee and volleyball.

The Franco-Canadian Games of the North and West are:

5 days of competitions and festivities; 200 young participants and 50 accompanying persons;

What is the purpose of the JFCNOs?

It is a moment of identity construction for young people who live in a minority situation, summarizes Casey Edmunds. Through competitions and festivities, the Games are therefore an opportunity for French-speaking young people to meet and share their different realities.

“Having fun in French with other young people helps build confidence, leadership and belonging to the Francophonie. »

— A quote from Casey Edmunds General Manager, Franco-Canadian Games North and West

These five days of festivities put the language of Molière in the spotlight. Many francophone, provincial and territorial organizations go there.

Canada’s Commissioner of Official Languages, Raymond Théberge, will also be present at the opening ceremony of the Games on Tuesday evening.

What to do outside of competitions?

In addition to the competitions, the JFCNOs offer a rich cultural program throughout the week.

Several Francophone artists will perform on stage during the opening ceremony, including Fransaskois Étienne Fletcher, Yukon singer Brigitte Jardin and artist Ariane Mahrÿke Lemire.

Thursday evening will be devoted to women from the Francophonie, with the presence of several artists. The awarding of prizes and medals is scheduled for Saturday during a closing ceremony, scheduled on the beach, which promises to be festive.

The Franco-Canadian Games of the North and West offer a cultural program on the sidelines of the competitions.

Photo: Francophone Society of Victoria

2023-07-11 12:17:06
#FrancoCanadian #Games #North #West



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