Nikola Jokic, NBA Champion, Invites Kids to Play on His Playground: A Facebook Post from 16 Years Ago Becomes a Reality

by Flavio Vanetti

Nikola Jokic, NBA champion with the Denver Nuggets proposes a post from 16 years ago: he invites the boys to his playground for a game. The difference compared to the past is that the field is crowded

Do you remember the post that at the age of 16 Nikola Jokic had put on Facebook? He enclosed an invitation: Is there anyone coming to play with me on the pitch?. The pitch is in Sombor, the hometown of the Serbian ace who became NBA champion with the Denver Nuggets. Well, no one adhered to his proposal. And the post always remained with zero comments. But now something has changed, with the only common denominator, compared to those days, that despite the glory achieved, Nikola remained basically the simple boy ever, attached to his land. For now Nikola Jokic Nba Champion and also Mvp of the 2023 finals (after having been twice in a row in the regular season), so the risk of going blank in the face of an invitation of this kind is absolutely zero.

In fact, while he is enjoying a holiday period at home, also and above all dedicating himself to his great passion (horses and racing), Nikola is back on the pitch. And he took a selfie that shows him smiling in front of a handful of kids and the basket. So he must have sent the photo to a friend, (such @neverovali) who in turn put it on the main Instagram account – the social network now most followed by sportsmen – dedicated to the Serbian champion. Along with the image was, repeated, the fateful question: Does anyone want to come and play basketball with me?. The answer, of course, this time was a resounding yes.

But the stunt wasn’t missing either, a bit like the ones they used to do at school when in the class photo they cuckolded each other on the back of the head of the one in front. In this case even worse: right behind Jokic you see a guy, in front of the guy holding the basketball, showing the middle finger. This gasconade generated the reaction of many of the basketball player’s fans, who disapproved of the gesture.

blockquote class=”instagram-media” data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink=” data-instgrm-version=”14″ style=” background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:540px; min-width:326px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% – 2px); width:calc(100% – 2px);”>

Here is one of the most decisive comments, said that there were 236 who wrote, including an Italian who declared: Nikola, Italy loves you: I don’t understand why the guy in the background is pointing his middle finger!! We are good people. Unfortunately I cannot show this photo to my children. What bad conduct: it ruins the image of our great player. No, it doesn’t ruin his image, if anything that of the idiot who wanted to play the protagonist in the wrong way. However, Jokic has not said anything for the moment.

July 2, 2023 (change July 2, 2023 | 21:10)

2023-07-02 19:18:27
#Jokic #post #years #Sombor #pitch #NBA #champion


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