Pallacanestro Trieste Embarks on Study Trip to Memphis: Strengthening International Ties with the NBA

(english below)

Trip to the United States for the “operations” team of Pallacanestro Trieste who will be in Memphis from today to July 5, to visit the facilities and meet the Memphis Grizzlies staff, in the days when the team is preparing for the upcoming Summer League.

“We are starting to lay the foundations for one of our main objectives – commented the president Richard de Meo – which consists in training our team by giving our employees and collaborators the opportunity to grow in an international context, learning new procedures and working methods , weaving collaborative relationships and relationships that can be useful to grow and improve. The trip to Memphis involves the operations team, it is a first experiment, which takes place in a very important period for Trieste Basketball”.

The Pallacanestro Trieste staff will follow a series of training sessions for the NBA team in these days, and will have an agenda of meetings with the Grizzlies staff to explore various aspects, from the management of the sports hall to the organization of events, from merchandising to operating procedures.

Pallacanestro Trieste meets the NBA: Study Trip to Memphis for the operations Team.

Operational meetings, attendance at training sessions: the Memphis Grizzlies set the example.

The operations team of Pallacanestro Trieste is embarking on a trip to the United States from today until July 5th, visiting the facilities and meeting the staff of the Memphis Grizzlies, during the days when the team is preparing for the upcoming Summer League.

“We are laying the groundwork for one of our main objectives – commented President Richard de Meo – which is to develop our team by giving our employees and collaborators the opportunity to grow in an international context, learning new procedures and work methodologies, building collaboration and relationships that can be useful for growth and improvement. The trip to Memphis involves the operations team and is a first experiment, taking place during a very important period for Pallacanestro Trieste.”

The staff of Pallacanestro Trieste will be attending a series of NBA team training sessions and will have a schedule of meetings with the Grizzlies staff to delve into various aspects, ranging from arena management to event organization, from merchandising to operational procedures.

2023-07-02 16:52:24


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