Raul Rivero Takes the Mound for Bologna in Showdown Against San Marino

Raul Rivero, ace of the Bolognese mound

© Fortitudo Baseball

Another weekend and another super challenge for Bologna which, after winning the last match of the last round against Parma, is back on the field for the top spot against San Marino. The great classic of Italian baseball in recent years: in fact, the companies holding the last 5 championships and aiming, without hiding, even for the 2023 championship will take the field.

“We’re coming from a weekend that wasn’t easy but where we were good at reacting in the third race. Another fiery weekend awaits us, we know it will be high-level matches, but we want to play this type of match; I’m curious to see how the team will approach and if we’ll be good at taking a further step forward in our growth path” said manager Frignani on the eve. The starting pitcher of the first game at the Falchi will be Raul Rivero. The whole squad will be available with the exception of Riccardo Bertossi, who is stopped in the pits with a back problem.

San Marino is back from the triptych of victories obtained on their field against Grosseto, without conceding a single point throughout the weekend. For these challenges, manager Doriano Bindi will also have a new pitcher announced this week by the company: it is the Venezuelan Jesus Castillo, former triple A with the Brewers, who will be the third seen (out of three allowed) used by the Monte Titano company . The best in the batting box, in this second phase, are the receiver Lino Correa and the “lead-off” Batista de Jesus, both with averages above .420 and already authors in two of 10 home runs and 37 Rbi in the Poule Scudetto. As for the mound, on Friday evening in the competition reserved for Afi pitchers, Nicola Garbella will climb the mountain, author of a complete match against Grosseto without conceding any points. In one of the two “free” races, he will almost certainly start on Mount Carlos Quevedo.

APPOINTMENTS ON THE RADIO – The matches against San Marino, like all those of the 2023 season, will be broadcast live on Radio Nettuno Bologna Uno. In addition to the medium frequencies 97.00 in Bologna, 96.700 in Casalecchio di Reno and 96.800 in Imola, the match can be listened to in streaming on the website www.nettunobolognauno.it and on the official radio app.

2023-07-14 06:18:47
#BolognaSan #Marino #elite #challenge #Baseball.it


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