Rennes URB Dominates Superleague 3×3 Open de Brest, Crowned Champions

Superleague 3×3, Open de Brest

For its second year in Brest, the Superleague 3×3 stopped at Les Capucins under the leadership of the departmental committee and the Regional Basketball League. The crowd had therefore moved all day on Sunday to attend meetings of an excellent level, like the men’s semi-final ATC-Nantes (21-20) and women’s Rennes-RIP Fam (20- 19). Moreover, Rennaises and Rennais came out big winners of the competition with a unilateral domination of the girls from Ille-et-Vilaine in the final ahead of Souezhenn Team (Nantes) 21-10 which crowned Aurore Pautou as MVP. On the men’s side, the three URB players (Poncet-Leberre, Pamba, Scléar) reinforced by Maël Lebrun (Rueil) won ahead of an eye-catching ATC team (21-17) made up of elements from NM1, NM3 and R1 and it was Joffrey Sclair who was elected MVP. Finally, in the three-point shooting contest, it was Ch’ti Zoé Wadoux (RIP Fam) who outclassed boys and girls to win.

Dames. Pool A: 1. Team Rocket, 2. Rennes URB, 3. The Monster, 4. La Breizh Team; pool B 1. RIP Fam, 2. Souezhenn Team, 3. Nantes Big Ouest, 4. SEPA Team

Finale : Rennes URB (Mendy, Pautou, Chavoutier, Guirassy) beat Souezhenn Team 21-10

gentlemen. Pool A: 1. Caen Goo; Pool B 1. Nantes the Process; pool C 1. ATC (1); Pool D 1. Rennes URB

Final: Rennes URB (Poncet-Le Berre, Lebrun, Pamba, Scléar) beats ATC 21-17

2023-07-09 17:51:35
#Basketball #Rennes #URB #doubled #Brest #3×3 #Open


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