Sports Galore at Festambiente: Try SUP, Kayak, Archery, and More!

In the sports areas of Festambiente, the national Legambiente festival which will take place from 2 to 6 August in Rispescia (Gr) in Enaoli), it will be possible to try many sports including SUP, kayak, swimming, archery, electric mini bikes and rhythmic gymnastics. SportAmbiente, the beloved and very popular area dedicated to children, which finds a home in the City of girls and boys, is created in collaboration with UISP Grosseto and Acquaviva UISP Nazionale and the affiliated associations Terramare, Citti Racing, Alma Virtus, Beach Tennis Grosseto, Ginnastica Grifone Grosseto. Appointment also with two-wheeled safety: FIAB Grosseto ciclabile returns with Bimbimbici, a series of educational workshops on the conscious use of the bicycle, held in a circuit that reproduces an urban environment, where children can have fun and acquire important information on their safety. And then many activities in the Festambiente “Eco-fields” (eco-sport and basketball field) made with recycled materials, in the mini-golf course and in the brand new rope park.

2023-07-23 05:54:10
#kayak #archery #mini #bikes #mini #golf #Grosseto #Sport


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