the advice of the dermatologist to take care of it

Summer, vacation time! On all occasions when you are exposed to the sun, it is essential to bring sunscreen with you: a basic precaution that everyone should follow to protect the health of their skin. In the case of skin with tattoos in the sun, however, a little more attention is useful. Perhaps not everyone knows that solar radiation can lead, over time, to the loss of brilliance and definition of the works of art impressed on our skin.

So how to protect tattoos when we expose ourselves to the sun?

“The sun gives off two types of ultraviolet (UV) radiation that are significant to the skin, called UVA and UVB. UVA rays tend to penetrate the skin deeper than UVB rays, causing more lasting damage and premature aging of the skin with areas of intense dehydration (called xerosis) and wrinkles. UVB rays, on the other hand, act mainly on the superficial layers of the skin and can ruin tattoos, especially those made more recently. For this reason, the most important advice is: avoid exposure to the sun for the first month after making the tattoo and then always apply a specific sunscreen” – declares Ines Mordente, Surgeon, Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology (Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine) ”.

Tattoos in the sun: dermatologist’s advice for taking care of them

“Protection from the sun therefore represents an important first moment in the tattoo beauty routine, to which cleansing and hydration are added, three steps that help preserve the beauty of our tattoos not only on holiday but throughout the year.

CLEANSING: to gently remove impurities without weakening the skin’s natural protective barrier;
HYDRATION: to help the skin regenerate itself from within and stabilize the natural skin barrier function;
PROTECTION: during exposure to sunlight, necessary to preserve the beauty of the tattoo.

Daily care of tattooed skin

“When you decide to get a tattoo, my advice as a dermatologist is mainly two: the first thing to do, even before drawing it, is to go to the dermatologist for a patch test that can prevent any allergies; once the tattoo has been done, on the other hand, it is important to have a morning and night skincare routine using a specific cleanser in the morning and evening, and immediately after using an intensive treatment paste which, by moisturizing the skin, improves its elasticity and promotes its regeneration. Finally, every time we expose ourselves to the sun, let’s not forget to use a specific sunscreen with a high protection index SPF 50+, applying it regularly every 2 hours” – concludes Dr. Ines Mordente.

A beauty routine that three renowned tattoo artists – Vinnie Stefano La Rosa, Samuela Maggi and Vale Lovette – have interpreted by combining their styles in “The Tattoo Wall” a collective artwork promoted by Bepanthenol Tattoo to raise awareness and tell the importance of these themes. Thus was born the largest tattoo mural ever made on synthetic skin, a union of tattoo art and the spectacularity of street art, on display in Milan in May for citizens and tourists.

The Bayer Bepanthenol Tattoo line takes care of tattooed skin with three products specifically formulated for the three phases: the Delicate Cleanser for cleansing, the Intensive Treatment Paste for hydration and the Protective Sun Cream SPF 50+ for protection from the sun’s rays , all with Panthenol and dermatologically tested on tattooed skin. Useful to always carry with you on holiday – and beyond – to take care of the most important works of art, those on our skin.

READ ALSO: Foods for beautiful skin when you’re outdoors


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2023-07-04 11:49:01
#advice #dermatologist #care


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