The Build Kindness Award in Sport is today the star of the Italian radio in New York

Kindness through gestures of the heart in sport. This is the purpose of the Build Kindness in Sport Award, promoted by Ussi Toscana (Sports Journalists Group) and the Cor et Amor Association.

The recognition that started from the nice gesture of the goalkeeper, Guglielmo Vicario, who hosted a family who fled the war, went among others to Stefano Pioli, Federica Cappelletti, Pablito’s wife, Anna Astori, Davide’s mother, up to Claudio Ranieri for the gesture of inviting his team’s supporters to cheer for and not cheer against.

After being one of the case histories of the Sportcity meeting in Salsomaggiore, the Build Kindness Award in Sport was featured in the Italian radio program in the United States, ICN Radio with Tony Pasquale and Alessia Bodei. The ambassadors of kindness, Silvia Sardi, Gaia Simonetti (also as Secretary of Ussi Toscana) and Luca Nardi, national coordinator of Build Kindness, took part.

2023-07-03 20:06:00
#Build #Kindness #Award #Sport #today #star #Italian #radio #York


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