The Growing Trend of Opening School Gymnasiums to the Public for Exercise

▲On July 19, citizens were playing football in the playground of Tiandong Middle School in Yantian District.

▲On July 19, citizens were playing badminton in the school gymnasium.The pictures were all taken by Shenzhen Evening News reporter Yan Wenting and intern Huang Haolun

Shenzhen News Network, July 21, 2023(Shenzhen Evening News reporter Wang Yu and intern Liao Manyu) Even the hot summer can’t stop the citizens’ enthusiasm for sports! It’s the summer vacation, and many citizens take their children to sweat and exercise. In the late evening, the reporter learned that the gymnasiums open to the public in Shenzhen schools have become “sweet pastries”. The basketball courts, football fields, badminton courts, and table tennis courts open to the public are the most popular among citizens, and some school gymnasiums are full of reservations.

【Investigation by reporters】

Going to the school gymnasium to exercise has gradually become a living habit

In June 2022, the “one-click reservation” platform for the “i Shenzhen” stadium will be officially launched. Citizens can conveniently go to the nearest gymnasium for exercise with just a few clicks on their mobile phones. Sports are as convenient as online shopping, which has greatly enhanced the enthusiasm of citizens for sports.

The reporter found on the reservation platform that school gymnasiums have become “sweet pastry”, and some schools are full of people during the reservation period, especially on weekends, where it is hard to find one. Recently, the reporter visited many schools in Shenzhen and found that the schools that open basketball courts, football fields, badminton courts, and table tennis courts are the most popular among citizens. Shenzhen Donghu Middle School, Futian District Yuanling Primary School, and Shenzhen Pingshan Experimental School of Northeast Normal University have many types of venues open to the public. During the visit, the reporter saw that many citizens in the stadiums were engaged in various sports in full swing, and there were citizens signing in at the school gate. According to the reservation platform data, the venues of Yuanling Primary School in Futian District were fully booked from 17:00 to 21:00 that day.

Li Haidan, director of the Safety Office of Shenzhen Pingshan Experimental School of Northeast Normal University, said that since the summer vacation, there has been an endless stream of citizens coming to the school to exercise. “The school’s opening of sports facilities to the outside world belongs to resource sharing. It can better meet the needs of residents near the school to participate in physical exercise activities nearby. In addition, it can effectively alleviate the contradiction between the growing sports fitness needs of young people and the insufficient supply of sports resources. It is conducive to improving the physical fitness and health of the whole people. This is a beneficial thing.”

The summer school opens the gymnasium to the outside world, providing the surrounding residents with a sports venue at their doorstep, and it has gradually become a living habit for citizens to exercise in the school gymnasium. Ms. Feng, who often goes to the school gymnasium to exercise, shared with the reporter: “I usually run at night, and I am not prone to heat stroke. My home is only 5 minutes away from the school, and many people usually come to the school playground for a walk. I used to run on the cement road in the community. There are many cars and the place is small. The opening of the school gymnasium is really convenient for me.”

“My son likes to play basketball. There are no particularly suitable basketball courts around the community, and most of them need to charge a certain fee. The opening of the school’s sports facilities just solves this problem, and there are students of the same age exercising together, and sports have become more motivated.” Mr. Liao, a parent, praised the opening of the school’s sports venues.

Ms. Xiong believes that the opening of the school’s sports venues can make the relationship between the community and the school closer. Many community residents also have a sense of “ownership” of the school and are more concerned about the development of the school.

【School voice】

Pressure on schools to open stadiums doubles

The reporter’s investigation found that while the school opened its sports venues to the outside world to provide citizens with sports convenience, it also faced many challenges. For example, most of the school’s sports facilities and activity venues are public welfare. It is inevitable that certain losses will occur during the opening process. Personnel management, maintenance, and safety protection will increase the cost of running the school.

Mr. Zheng, the director of general affairs of a school in Longgang District, told reporters that during the period when the school’s sports venues were open to the public, an off-campus operator assisted in the management. The school’s concerns about “opening up sports facilities to the outside world” mainly have three aspects: First, the school site is large, but the management staff sent by the operator is insufficient, and the operation is not in place;

During the interview, the reporter learned that the school gymnasium operator will repair the damage caused by the public, and the school will repair the damage caused by the students. Since the facilities are mainly used by students in the school, the cause of the damage cannot be determined after the opening. Forced to do so, most of the facilities can only be repaired by the school itself, and the maintenance cost has increased significantly. This has become a relatively serious problem for the school.

In addition, the citizens who enter the school to exercise are very random and temporary, which also increases the difficulty of school management. Some schools have encountered situations where citizens brought pets and shirtless into the school and refused to listen to dissuasion; some school sports teams are about to practice, but citizens are unwilling to leave… Teacher Zheng said that although these are individual cases, it will take some time to deal with them. If they are not handled properly, they may even lead to complaints and discourage the school’s enthusiasm for opening up.

【How to break the game】

The opening of school sports facilities to the outside world still needs to “work hard”

It is understood that Shenzhen is currently the first to try and innovate the construction and operation of the “one-click reservation” platform, and actively promote the opening of school sports venues to the public during holidays, mornings, evenings, weekends and other spare time, breaking the barriers between school sports venues and society. And through the establishment of a third-party operation team, professional and integrated operation of campus cultural and sports facilities will be carried out. While improving the efficiency of facility use and social benefits, it will reduce management costs, divest safety responsibilities, and eliminate the worries of venue owners.

But in fact, in order to further promote the school’s “opening of sports facilities to the outside world” and eliminate the school’s many concerns, Yang Qin, a representative of the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress, believes that it still needs to “work hard”. He suggested that for issues such as cost increase and management safety, the school can charge moderately. The cost can be lower than that of social places, and the income can be reasonably distributed to reduce operating costs; secondly, the school should control the number of people, strengthen management, open to the surrounding permanent residents, and pass in and out, so as to prevent unrelated people from entering the place in an orderly manner, thereby reducing damage to facilities.

In addition, Yang Qin suggested that the cultural and sports departments should carry out more sports promotion to cultivate the idea of ​​national sports, and each school should report the situation to the Education Bureau and the operator in a timely manner, improve management equipment, and strengthen the supplement of management personnel and funds. The situation of each school is different, and each school should do a good job.

2023-07-21 00:53:25
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