The High Stakes of Kylian Mbappé’s Uncertain Future: A Poker Game Between Clubs

The stakes of a poker game have never been so high. The uncertain future of Kylian Mbappé (24) makes some shudder, but others dream. Who will be the big winner next? Now that the internet is exploding with rumours: a situation sketch.


Almost in sync, all major transfer news hunters unpacked the “exclusive” story that Saudi Al Hilal – previously interested in Messi – has made an “unprecedented” record bid for Kylian Mbappé.

PSG can cash 300 million euros, the French striker awaits an astronomical salary that you and I will not even save in ten lifetimes.

In the meantime, many European top clubs reportedly also inquired about Mbappé’s services. Chelsea, Manchester United, Barcelona and even sub-top players such as Tottenham and Inter are mentioned.

Suddenly everyone seems to be dreaming of a transfer that seemed impossible before.

Clash between superegos

Why? To this end, it is best to briefly outline the current situation.

In mid-June, Mbappé dropped a bomb in Paris by stating that he would not exercise the option in his contract, which now runs until 2024. As a result, the superstar, who represents an immense capital, threatens to leave for free next summer.

Since the conscious announcement, it has been a cold war between the two parties.

PSG left his star at home last week for the preparation tour in Japan, Mbappé fulfilled his contractual duty with a smile by training with the “surpluses” in Paris.

It’s a situation where no one is winning for the time being. An unprecedented clash between two superegos with interests that are miles apart.

Not even PSG can afford to see Mbappé go without a return next summer. Moreover, it would mean a huge loss of prestige for the proud chairman Nasser Al-Khelaïfi.

For the Qatari, who believes Mbappé and Real have already struck an unspoken deal, there are only two options: sell his star now or force him to re-sign.

Those options are less interesting for the ambitious Mbappé. Because if Real does not have to pay a transfer fee for him next summer, he can pass on that “saving” in his wages at dream club Real Madrid.

Only: what if PSG plays the poker game really hard and always puts the captain in the stands? An ultimate means of pressure that they prefer not to use in Paris.

Moral and sporting compass

Waiting to see if someone will be the first to kneel down.

As long as that is not the case, other parties will try to take advantage of the tense situation.

The super rich in Saudi Arabia, in other words. They offer a record sum that PSG – despite the loss of its star – could proudly show off. Mbappé then gets the chance to run one particularly lucrative transition season in the desert. But is the latter consistent with his moral and sporting compass?

Those doubts make other European (top) clubs dream. Some creative balloons – such as exchange deals – are already being carefully released at PSG to see how flexible the French national champion is. The financially distressed FC Barcelona, ​​among others, would have an exploratory meeting this afternoon.

No doubt bluff poker, but with such high stakes, all tricks are allowed.

Let’s see who has the winning hand.

2023-07-24 13:23:30
#Poker #game #Kylian #Mbappé #erupts #unseen #record #offer #Saudi #Arabia #stand #chance #International #football


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