The Reading of Sentence in Football Leaks Case Postponed Due to Amnesty Proposal

The Superior Council of the Judiciary informs, this Tuesday, that the reading of the sentence of the Football Leaks process, which has Rui Pinto as the main defendant, was postponed. In a dispatch to which SIC had access, the Central Criminal Court justifies the postponement with the amnesty proposal, motivated by the visit of Pope Francis to the World Youth Day.

In the order, it is highlighted that Rui Pinto, “in view of his age at the time of the commission of the facts, is covered by the scope of the referred law [de amnistia]”, which applies to young people between the ages of 16 and 30 (at the time of the crimes).

Some of the 90 crimes for which Rui Pinto is responsible are covered by the amnesty law, such as “the crime of violating correspondence and the crime of undue access which, in their simple forms, are punished precisely with a prison sentence of up to one year or with a fine.

On the other hand, crimes of extortion or cybercrime are not covered by the amnesty law, in its current wording.

The entry into force of the law was scheduled for July 13, however, in the face of a possible postponement, the Superior Council of the Judiciary decided to also change the reading of the sentence, initially scheduled for July 13 as well.

“It would be unusual and contrary to a speedy procedure that in a short period of time in the present case two judgments coexisted, the second of which was handed down before the first became final, with all the inherent procedural issues and delays in defining the situation of the defendant that such a situation would arise from”, can be read in the order.

In this way and to avoid future changes in the judgment, the court dictates two possible dates for the diligence: July 31 (if the proposed law that determines the amnesty enters into force until the 28th) or September 11th.

“It is the understanding of the collective court that it would prove useless and contrary to the inherent stability of judicial decisions, the delivery of a judgment that then, days later, might have to be changed (…) due to a possible extinction of the criminal responsibility of the defendant in relation to some crime(s), which would always be unofficial knowledge, taking into account that the referred law will be of immediate application.”

Rui Pinto, 34 years old, is responsible for a total of 90 crimes: 68 of improper access, 14 of violation of correspondence, six of illegitimate access, targeting entities such as Sporting, Doyen, the law firm PLMJ, the Portuguese Federation of Football (FPF) and the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), and also for computer sabotage to Sporting’s SAD and for extortion, in the attempted form. This last crime concerns Doyen and was what also led to the pronunciation of lawyer Aníbal Pinto.

2023-07-11 11:40:24
#Football #Leaks #Rui #Pinto #judgment #postponed #due #WYD #amnesty


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