The Spectator | Adam’s prison – El Sol de México

Recently, it has been observed that the presence of Andrea Chávez in Adán Augusto López’s tours and public events has generated some discomfort in his environment. In particular, the haughty behavior and the inappropriate closeness of the young woman from Chihuahua with the experienced politician from Tabasco have been mentioned.

The situation has led to the fact that Adán Augusto’s wife, Eda, has intervened in some events recently. Eda has accompanied her husband on different occasions, showing a more prominent presence in contrast to Andrea’s persistent presence. This has made it clear that Chávez does not enjoy the sympathy or favor of Adán Augusto’s close entourage.

Although Andrea Chávez continues to play an influential role in the strategy and communication team of the former interior secretary, some aides have expressed their discomfort with the way in which she and other strategists exercise their authority. In addition, some concern has been generated due to the perception that these characters impose their criteria in decision-making, even on sensitive issues such as the image and speech of the former governor of Tabasco.

Abraham Mendieta is a polemicist on social networks who arrived discreetly from Spain and managed to sneak into the National Regeneration Movement by launching himself against one of the main defenders of the causes of Andrés Manuel López Obrador when he was leading the opposition against the PRI and the PAN: John Ackerman . When they attacked the then Secretary of the Public Service, Irma Eréndira Sandoval, and her brother, Pablo Almicar, this character stayed on the side of the winners of Morena.

u0009Shortly after, Mendieta approached another promising political influencer, Andrea Chávez, a young network adviser in the Chamber of Senators and also in the Chamber of Deputies. Their close relationship arose and also a society destined to sneak into the big leagues of Morenista politics.

First, the couple made a stop at Claudia Sheinbaum’s group, with the purpose of settling there and proposing themselves as the strategic option to build the image of the then head of government. The path paved by Julio Scherer and Alfonso Brito was blocked and neither Abraham nor Andrea had the opportunity to climb that route.

Clever as they have turned out, they aimed at Adam’s entourage. And taking advantage of the fact that the then Secretary of the Interior had nurtured a friendship with an entrepreneur specialized in assembling high-end armors for motor vehicles in Aguascalientes, named Arturo Dávila, the Abraham and Andrea couple suddenly embedded themselves in the team. The three characters, recognized among Adán’s friends and close collaborators, as the “triple A” have been installed as the “strategists and masterminds” of the project of the former Secretary of the Interior.

To this day, scandals surround Andrés Chávez, and the poor and erratic organization that Arturo Dávila tries to impose, in open clash with Leonel Godoy, are a topic that feeds the tables of political feeders. However, the one who pulls the strings of Adam’s “strategy” is not Adam Augusto, it is Abraham Mendieta.

Adam’s team already expresses discomfort at the despotic treatment that the three strategists (Abraham, Andrea and Arturo) lavish on them, and it is even known that fear is beginning to prevail because Adam’s reactions are different from those to which they were accustomed.

This fear is attributed to the attitude of a new Mexican film star that Andrea Chávez adopts when she appears on Adán’s tours. Like a diva, superb, she doesn’t take care of her tone of voice. For now, they say they don’t listen to anyone, and they are also very happy because they have engaged a Spanish character, Juan Carlos Monedero, to straighten Adán’s speech and image. Monedero, co-founder of the Podemos movement in his native Spain, is the signing that Andrea and Abraham boast.

And so, the so-called Plan B towards the Presidency is underway, which is headed by an advertising agency in the hands of César Hernandez, known among his relatives as César Ache. The team of Abraham, Andrea and Arturo dreams big and overflows with great communication ideas. They have Adán very convinced that the hashish dreams of this trio are as real as they themselves are.

2023-07-10 06:12:37
#Spectator #Adams #prison #Sol #México


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