Transforming Rural Communities: The Success of the Ten Million Project in Wengfang Village

In the evening, twilight fell. Many villagers in Wengfang Village, Hemudu Town came out of their small buildings and took a walk on the U-shaped Internet celebrity trail in the village. After walking for a while, they came to Wengfang Village Cultural Auditorium to exercise their muscles and bones. There are many standard sports fields such as basketball courts and badminton courts in this area. At this moment, the athletes are already full. In the square not far away, nearly a hundred villagers are dancing happily.

Villagers in Wengfang Village are playing a basketball game

“Since the completion of the cultural auditorium, men, women and children in the village have increasingly pursued spiritual enrichment, and their hobbies have become more and more abundant. They will come to the square for a walk, dance, and exercise when they have time. The square is very lively.” The relevant person in charge of Wengfang Village said hi Can’t help it, in recent years, the village has been awarded many honors such as National Sports Modern Village, Provincial Sports Strong Village, Provincial Village Sports Club, Provincial Central Village National Fitness Plaza, etc., becoming a well-known “Sports Village”, attracting People from Hemudu Town and surrounding Lubu, Zhangting and other towns come here to exercise.

This gratifying change stems from the “ten million project” implemented 20 years ago. Driven by the spring breeze of the “Ten Thousand Project”, Wengfang Village took sports culture as the main theme, and embarked on a road to a harmonious village…

A blueprint is drawn to the end, and the whole city works together

The “ten million project” is a major decision that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, deployed, and promoted when he was working in Zhejiang. Over the past 20 years, under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the Ningbo municipal government, with the strong support of the relevant departments at the higher level, and with the unremitting efforts of the whole city, the previous municipal party committees and municipal governments of our city have earnestly practiced the people-centered development idea, Unswervingly deepen the “ten million project”, draw a blueprint to the end, and work one after another, and make every effort to promote the quality improvement of the “three rural” work.

In February 2018, after General Secretary Xi replied to all party members in Hengkantou Village, Liangnong Town, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government kept in mind the General Secretary Yin Yin’s entrustment, and vigorously carried out the activities of “learning from replying, creating demonstrations, and strengthening leadership”, and in-depth implementation of the agricultural “double strength” “Action and rural “double wealth” construction, with greater efforts to promote the “ten million project” to go deep and solid, and strive to create a “Yuyao model” for rural revitalization. Our city has successively won the first batch of provincial and provincial joint construction of rural revitalization demonstration provinces Founding unit, provincial excellent city for implementing rural revitalization strategy and other high-gold honors, especially in promoting the leap-forward and high-quality development of the Siming Mountain Revolutionary Old Area, and achieved fruitful results. 45 million yuan, an increase of 29.6% and 158.3% compared with five years ago.

Adhere to the leadership of party building and explore new paths for rural development

In recent years, our city has always kept in mind the “two musts” and vigorously promoted the model of party building and joint construction. Through multi-village grouping, town-village joint operation, and village-enterprise cooperation, we have comprehensively built a strong fortress for rural revitalization. So far, our city has successfully created There are 4 provincial-level future villages, 7 of which are under construction, and one of them will be selected as a case of future rural construction in the province in 2022.

Hengkantou Village of Liangnong Town adopts the “1+5+3” model, absorbing 5 surrounding villages including Wangxiang as main members, leading and driving 3 villages including Rangxian, and establishing a “red front and common wealth” party building joint construction mechanism, focusing on Create a model village for rural revitalization in the old revolutionary base areas of the country and a model area for common prosperity in the new era, and expand new channels for red to lead green development. In 2022, the operating income of Hengkantou Village will be 3.6634 million yuan, an increase of 10.3 times compared with 5 years ago. The per capita disposable income of farmers 47,108 yuan, an increase of 70.9% compared with 5 years ago, and has successively won honors such as National Civilized Village, National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization, and Provincial Rural Revitalization Demonstration Village.

At the same time, our city focuses on party building to lead grassroots governance, actively promotes provincial future rural construction, guides pilot villages to create “digital +” application scenarios, and realizes grassroots smart governance. The Party Committee of Xiejialu Village, Simen Town, combined with the reality of rural work, has actively explored the innovative model of rural social governance in the new era since 2008, and created the “small bench mass work method” to truly implement the concept of “villagers are the masters of the country” , has been fully affirmed by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, and has been promoted throughout the province. Xiejialu Village has won more than ten national honors, including the National Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization, the National Civilized Village, and the National Demonstration Village for Democracy and the Rule of Law. .

Cadres and masses of Xiejialu Village discussing issues in the “small bench” booth

Adhere to the creation of the whole area to polish the beautiful new background of the countryside

Over the past 20 years, our city has taken “Yaojiang fields, happy mountains and rivers” as the construction theme, and systematically implemented the four-level joint creation of beautiful rural demonstration counties, demonstration towns (streets), boutique villages, and beautiful courtyards. Up to now, the city has basically realized the creation of beautiful villages Full coverage, a total of 29 provincial-level characteristic boutique villages have been established, 14 beautiful rural demonstration towns above the municipal level in Ningbo, 38,000 beautiful courtyards, 13 scenic lines (demonstration belts) above the municipal level in Ningbo, and successfully created a beautiful village in Zhejiang Province Advanced counties, beautiful rural demonstration counties.

Hengkantou Village “Sightseeing Train” connects several characteristic villages

Dalan Town held a meeting with friends through tea

Our city has thoroughly implemented the three major revolutions of “sewage, garbage, and public toilets” in rural areas, and promoted the combing-style transformation of villages with high quality, so as to effectively improve the living environment in rural areas. Huangqingyan Village, Ditang Sub-district, the hometown of Ziling, has formulated the “three hundred percent” of 100% public garbage sorting awareness rate, 100% public garbage sorting participation rate, and 100% public garbage sorting accuracy rate. The two “small goals” of “full coverage” have played a “trilogy” of garbage classification through pilot projects, exploration and improvement, and comprehensive promotion. At present, “garbage classification” has become a local fashion.

Village cadres of Huangqingyan Village carry out garbage sorting training for villagers’ representatives

Adhere to characteristic development and activate new kinetic energy of rural industries

The city arranges a special fund of 30 million yuan each year to start the city-level affluent and affluent model village construction action, and strives to create a village-level model of common wealth with excellent planning, strong industry, and rich life. indivual.

Yaojielong Village, Mazhu Town, is located in the Yaoxi Plain area, with more than 3,000 mu of arable land. It is the core area of ​​10,000 mu of green rice production of the Ministry of Agriculture. Since 2016, the village has insisted on focusing on rice planting and building surrounding areas of farmland. Sea of ​​Flowers in Four Seasons creates a demonstration base for high-yield and high-efficiency eco-agricultural sightseeing, sings the song of four seasons in leisure agriculture of “appreciating rape blossoms in spring, enjoying rice in summer, visiting Gesang flowers in autumn, and enjoying the fragrance of rice in winter”, and builds a “offline experience, online experience” The e-commerce platform operation mechanism of “ordering and cloud warehouse delivery” has opened up the sales channels for agricultural products to enter the city and the market, and has inserted Internet wings to promote industrial development and realize rural revitalization.

Tourists check in and take pictures at the rapeseed flower base in Yaojie Nong Village

There are more than 10 villages in Dalan Town, located in the hinterland of Siming Mountain, with a total of more than 20,000 mu of tea gardens. With the “tickets”, the average annual output of spring tea in the town exceeds 200 tons, and the output value is close to 30 million yuan. A small leaf has enriched the people of one side.

Adhere to humanistic empowerment and cultivate new forms of rural culture

In recent years, our city has continued to promote excellent farming culture, carried out the declaration of important agricultural cultural heritage, and continued to strengthen the scientific protection and utilization of historical and cultural (traditional) villages, and carried out surveys of historical and cultural (traditional) villages to realize that all villages in the project library should be preserved. At present, three agricultural cultural heritages including Yangmei, Zizania, and tea have entered the provincial resource bank, and the city has established a demonstration village for the protection and utilization of provincial-level historical and cultural villages, 5 key villages, and 20 general villages.

Our city has successfully organized a series of rural cultural activities such as “Following the Solar Terms to Visit the Countryside” and the Farmers’ Harvest Festival with high standards. Relying on the Rural Culture Exhibition Hall, we will help create village-level cultural brands and cultural products. Fengcun Village, Lanjiang Sub-district, as a typical suburban village, takes the opportunity of implementing the “ten million project” to make full use of the village’s historical and cultural heritage and the brand advantages of “Fengcun Bamboo Shoots” to make full use of “bamboo shoots” and grow “long” Bamboo shoots” industry chain, deepening the experience of “bamboo shoots”, deeply promoting the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, and carrying out bamboo art, bamboo life, bamboo creativity, and bamboo leisure tourism to the end, attracting countless tourists to climb mountains, enjoy the scenery, and buy bamboo shoots every spring. A bamboo shoot “fired” a village, and the villagers moved towards common prosperity.

Consumers buy bamboo shoots at the temporary trading point of spring bamboo shoots in Fengcun Village

The pictures are provided by Chen Zehong, Yu Lidan, Zhang Yunxia, ​​Wu Jiacheng, and Yan Ke, and they are all data pictures.

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2023-07-05 08:44:11
#Beautiful #Village #rejuvenated #years #implementation #Ten #Million #Project #Yuyao #News


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