Van Aert beats Philipsen in the sprint at Herentals Fietst


27 July 2023 – 22:04

Fewer people than other years and there was a lot in between. But it remained dry in Herentals during the post-tour criterion. And brand new dad Wout van Aert spoiled the home crowd. He won in the sprint from four-time stage winner and green jersey Jasper Philipsen. Polka dot jersey Ciccone finished third. Not a surprise stage, of course.

Van Aert already tried to make a gap halfway through the race and ran off with Jan Bakelants. He is no longer a professional, but once again got on his bike for a farewell to his own audience. Thibeau Nys was also not unmoved and won the intermediate sprints.

But in the end everything came together again and we got the expected three leaders on the penultimate lap. Surprisingly or not surprisingly, Van Aert was the fastest in the sprint ahead of Philipsen and Ciccone.

2023-07-27 20:15:26
#Van #Aert #beats #Philipsen #sprint #Herentals #Fietst


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